Pindus Journal Of Culture, Literature, and ELT
: 2792 – 1883
Vol 2 No. 2
ISSN 2792-1883 (online), Published in Vol: 2 No: 2 for the month of February-2022
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Comparative Analysis of Uzbek-English Traditional Lexicon
Nosirova Dilfuza Nabievna
Foreign language teacher for lawyers Law College of Andijan Region
The current state of scientific development of topical
problems of linguistics, the
tasks of lexicology, the prospects for the general development of the theory of meaning and
evaluation necessitate the search for linguistic innovations, a new look
at previous problems and
involve many questions that have not been studied comparatively in the orbit of scientific research
in linguistics.
languages, various signs, Uzbek and English, lexicon-semantic,
common signs,
functional-semantic microsystems (FSMS), meaning.
Until now, the comparative study of languages (both related and unrelated) has been carried out
mainly in terms of grammar. This is completely understandable and natural, since it is easier and
more correct to compare linguistic phenomena within the framework of a certain grammar, limited
an established set of rules, normative in its very essence, than in such much less defined and
vaguer areas of language as vocabulary and phraseology. However, at present, when a certain
experience in the comparative study of grammatical categories in different
languages has already
been accumulated, the attention of linguists is increasingly turning to the lexicon-phraseological
aspect of the general problem of comparing languages, in particular, terminology [1-12]. The
linguistic aspect of the study of terminological vocabulary has
not yet exhausted its problems,
which makes it necessary to describe terminology as a subsystem of the general literary language
through the prism of lexicon-semantic and grammatical categories. In the Uzbek and English
languages, the most developed lexicon-semantic group is kinship terms, the
comparative analysis
of which is the subject of this study.
In Turkology, there are special studies in which kinship terms were analyzed in a comparative and
comparative way based on traditional methods [1].
The current stage in the development of the science of language sets the task for researchers to
reconsider these issues based on modern methods, one of which is the method of studying language
materials as a kind of system. This is explained by the fact that the language and its tiers are
presented as a whole system, including vocabulary with its layers, the totality of which it is. Each
layer of vocabulary is represented by a system because each word and, accordingly, each concept
occupies a certain place in this system, outlined by relationships to other words and concepts.
The lexical system of the language is not only the least studied, but
also quite complex in its
organization and structure. This system includes such a large number of elements connected by
very different relationships that their consistency seems difficult to imagine or often even called
into question. There are irregular phenomena in it, the description of which requires a large number
of rules that closely related to external, extra-linguistic factors.
All this complexity is also
characteristic of the microsystem of kinship terms, and it is even more enhanced when conducting
a comparative study on the material of languages of different grammatical structures [13-25].
The Uzbek and English systems of terms of kinship primarily characterized by the fact that they
clearly preserved the features of the classification system. A whole range of terms apply to a whole