Unit I. THE SCIENCE OF BIOLOGY Topics 1.1. What is Biology/Science? 1.2. The Chemical Context of Life
1.3. Water and Life
1.4. Carbons and Large Biological Molecules
Levels of Biological Organization: Biome and Biosphere
1.1 Content Learning Objectives •
Students will be able to identify the definition and goals of Science.
Students will be able to identify the definition and goals of Biology
Student will be able to identify and explain the steps of The Scientific Method.
1.1 Language Objectives •
Student will be able to identify and define topic key vocabulary.
Student will be able to use readings to identify word, sentence, and paragraph grammar
Student will be able to use readings to practice reading strategies.
Student will be able to restate (orally or written) Science and Biology definitions and main ideas
using content-specific terms.
Student will be able to organize information using a variety of graphic organizers according to
content-specific expectations (e.g., Steps of The Scientific Method).
1.1 Reading Resources #1 What is Science
#2 What is Biology
#3 The Scientific Method
A .
Discuss the questions with a partner.
What is Science? What is biology?
How can you define the process of science/ the Biology concept?
How can we distinguish between what is scientific and what is not scientific?
B. Reading strategy
Identifying the author's viewpoint based on the title
A text's title frequently aids in our ability to anticipate (guess) the author's perspective or position on the
subject under discussion.
Look at the reading's title. What views does the author likely have on science, biology, and the scientific
method? Discuss your response with a partner while you circle one of the options.
Science, observation, Hypothesis, Testing, Analyzing, reporting, evaluating
Science, observation, inquiry, Collecting data, Analyzing, reporting, evaluating
Science, observation, inquiry, Hypothesis, Testing, Collecting data, Analyzing, reporting, evaluating