D3.3 Very basic grammar for I Revision 0.1
DeepThought IST-2000-30161 Page 22 (of 55)
In combining each others, clitics can have some
phonological variation, e.g.:
the datives "mi/ti/si/ci/vi" become "me/te/se/ce/ve" ["Giovanni MI dà il
libro -
"Giovanni ME LO dà" (John gives TO-ME the book - John gives TO-ME IT)],
the locatives "ci/vi" become "ce/ve" ["Giovanni CI mette il libro - Giovanni CE
LO mette" (John puts the book ON-IT - John puts ON-IT IT)],
the inherent "si" becomes "se" ["Giovanni SI pente della scelta - Giovanni SE
NE pente" (John IT regrets the choice - John IT regrets IT)] or "ci" ["CI SI
pente" (ALL-OF-US HIMSELF(inherent) regrets)]
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