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ARTİSTİC CONFLİCT İN SABAHATTİN ALI’S NOVEL “YUSUF OF KUYUJAK” E.A. Babayeva ANAS Institute of Literature named after Nizami Gencevi
Sabahattin Ali is one of the prominent writers of 20th century Turkish literature. He is the
author of poetry collections “Mountains and the Wind”, “Serenade of the Frog”, “Other Poems”,
but the prose works of the writer brought him fame. Sabahattin Ali is the author of the novels
“Yusuf of Kuyujak” (Kuyucaklı Yusuf), “Madonna in a Fur Coat” (Kürk montlu madonna) and
“The Devil Inside” (İçimizdeki şeytan) and more than sixty stories and short stories. S.Ali's novels,
especially the novel “Yusuf of Kuyujak" take a special place in Turkish literature and became a
literary event.
The article discusses the problem of conflict in the novel of the writer “Yusuf of Kuyujak”.
The comparative-analytical method was used during the research, the principle of historicity
was consistently followed. In this case, the method of typological-comparative analysis was
preferred, and deductive and inductive methods were used in the analysis of facts.
Keywords: Sabahattin Ali, socialist realism, rural-urban antagonism, urbanization, conflict