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9 Beveridge curve line i _ friction a viy unemployment know a n t a rkibii unemployment o ' rt a sid a gi ratio _ _ em a s , b a lki cyclical unemployment know a n muv o z a n a tli unemployment o ' rt a sid a gi nisb a tni a niql a sh I can't do it give a di _ That's it h a m b o rki , one kind of _ mehn a t type boz o ri _ _ t a hlil go to sleep _ _ bo ' ls a , und a f a q a t friction a viy unemployment m a jud be ' l a di , t a rkibiy of unemployment es a bo ' lishid a n of course _ _ _ maybe _ _ more _ _ _ _ _
10See: Mazin A.L., Ekonomika truda. Theory and Russian practice: Uchebnoe posobie. -T.2. N. Novgorod: Nizhegorodskoy humanitarian center, 2002, pp. 260-261.