Sovyetler dönemi Türkiye-Azerbaycan kültürel ilişkilerinin en değerli kaynağı
olarak kabul edilir.
Sovyetler döneminde Türkiye - Azerbaycan kültürel ilişkilerini Türkiye
Cumhuriyeti'nin sosyo-kültürel hayatı üzerine izlenimleri, her iki millet arasındaki
kardeşlik bağlarını yansıtan Azerbaycan yazarlarının
epistolyar eserleri
incelendiğinde, bu eserlerde Sovyet ideolojisinin ve komünist diktatörlüğünün
halkımıza karşı gerçekleştirdiği manevi ve kültürel yıkımlar ortaya çıkıyor.
Azerbaycanlı yazarların gezi izlenimlerini, Türk aydınları ile yazışmalarını
bir kitap, bir toplu halinde yayınlanmak XX. yüzyılın 60-80'li yıllarının
Türkiye'sinin sosyo-kültürel durumunu anlatmak, aynı zamanda Azerbaycan-
Türkiye arasındaki ilişkileri izlemek açısından önem arz ediyor.
Anahtar Kelimeler:
Türkiye, Azerbaycan yazarları, epistolyar örnekler,
Epistolar heritage - memoirs, diaries, letters, travel sketches of individuals
and intellectuals can sometimes become a source valuable than voluminous books,
scientific and literary works, to elucidate the socio-political situation, occupation
and lifestyle, history and socio-cultural life of the time. Political and geographical
borders between the two brotherly
states - Azerbaijan and Turkey, during the
Soviet era, were not able to break the spiritual-moral bridges, although it was a
barrier to close intercourse, literary-cultural, socio-economic relations. These
spiritual-moral ties have been preserved due to the love
and grief in the heart of
individual intellectuals, writers, poets and ashugs.
The attempt and the desire of the Soviet Empire to separate us from our
national values, our spiritual and historical roots, trying to break all the ties that
bind the two brotherly nations, had forbidden not only these relations, even the
Turkish word itself.
Hundreds of prominent writers, poets and philosophers had
been accused labeled as “panturkist” and “panislamist” and had been sent to exile
as “traitors to the country”. For more than 30 years, about 40 years literary-
cultural, political relations between Turkey and Azerbaijan were cold.
The memories of the Azerbaijani poets and writers about Turkey, their
travel scetches and notes on meetings in the Soviet era, which sometimes directly
and sometimes indirectly struggled against the ideological forbiddance and
prohibitions, the
Communist dictatorship, are valuable documents for today. The
information in these works reflects the socio-political and socio-cultural situation
of the Turkish Republic at the time, and also the moral attachment and love of
Turkey and Azerbaijan, which were forced to have borders between them.
The samples of epistolary heritage of Azerbaijani writers and poets such as
Nigar Rafibeyli, Khalil Rza Uluturk, Anar,
Ismail Shikhli, Elchin can be
considered as the most valuable source of Turkish-Azerbaijani cultural relations.
While investigating the Turkish-Azerbaijani cultural relations, the views on
the socio-cultural life of the Republic of Turkey, the epistolary works of
Azerbaijani writers, reflecting the fraternity ties between the two nations during
the Soviet era, also moral and cultural repressions
of the Soviet ideology and
Communist dictatorship against our people are manifested in these works.
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