tivity, ensuring the inclusion of scientific know-
Future developments in the formation of new
ledge in their historical culture.”
innovations will undoubtedly belong to the
The methodology of scientific innovation
concept of transformation of biosphere into no-
constitutes the cornerstone for its perspective
osphere and emerging of artificial life of biosphere
dimensions which includes three interrelated
and global society in the 21 and 22 centuries. In
elements which are usually analyzed separately: our opinion, this kind of systematic socio-natural
(a) conditions for the effectiveness of innovation,
approach to the changes of innovative processes
(b) resources, models of commercialization of
will present itself as the most comprehensive
research, and (c) standards and risks of innovation.
method to interpret the socio-philosophical and
Despite the abundance of existing interpre-
epistemological analyses of the issue. Evidently,
tations about the socio-philosophical analyses of
innovations usually turn to inherit some
the content and structure of innovation, there are
remarkable metaphysical processes of the history
still some areas that require special attention from
and one cannot contradict the following arguments
the scientists. Thus we believe that first of all, there
and conclusions drawn by Mario Bunge: “1. The
should be a clear definition encompassing the
world is composed of things, that is, it is not
universal scale of 'innovation", its demarcation
simple, and it is not made of ideas or of shades of
lines to be consolidated into the most effective
ideas; 2. Things get together in systems (composed
artificial integrity. Second the process of thought
of things in more or less close interaction), and
in innovation (observations, hypotheses,
some systems are fairly well isolated from others;
experiments, laws and theories) is not connected
3. All things, all facts, all processes, whether in
only with the diversity existing between the old
nature or in society, fit into objective stable
and new or various speeds of scientific deve-
patterns (laws); 4. Nothing comes out of nothing
lopments, but also with “commonalities”
and nothing goes over into nothingness; 5.
modern innovations for all to bring the ends
Determination is often multiple and probabilistic
together. But would it be possible? On this point,
rather than simple or linear.”
Wayne E. Bundy writes: “It is fortunate, indeed,
Now, let us say a few words about the most
that the scientific method is not universally
debatable and contradictory sides of innovation.
accepted and is rigidly followed perception for dis-
Techno genetic rationale usually contributes to the
covery in science and technology. Such blind obe-
improvement of life conditions of the humanity.
dience would help to assure the persistence of
However, at the same time it also leads to global
status quo, thereby decreasing the credibility of the
degradation of human biosphere facilitating to the
technical world.”
arousal of artificial life. It is also connected with
Third, not all innovations applied in the course
the modern contradictory market economy and its
of the global production turn "the thing" into "hot
formative role in the technocratic society.
money", "speculative transactions", that is why a
Scientists should more rigorously combine their
thorough theory of “risks and management of
efforts on the humanistic approaches to new
innovations” also need to be in place.
discoveries and innovative practices and more
Fourth, the continuing changes of innovation
pragmatically focus on democratizing innovations
have the increasing number of attractive features
and creativity in modern organizations.
for its users such as improvement of social
welfare, social and economic accelerations, and
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