Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
Qafqaz University
You may ask me the question about the title: why Jane Austen and her female protagonist
characters? I am not a feminist, I just admire of her heroines. As you know, Jane Austen is author of
six completed novels which are so famous. What distinguished her from others and attracted people to
read and love hernovels while there were a lot of novel writers at that moment? In fact, Jane Austen
was not even the first woman in her own family to publish a novel.There were Ann Radcliffe, Fanny
Burney, Elizabeth Inchbald, Maria Edgeworth, and Mary Wollstonecraft who lived and wrote in the
same period. By the way, some consider that Jane Austen is Victorian writer but both Queen Victoria
and her milieu were born and cultivated after Jane Austen's death. Her writing style that has influence
on many Victorian writers may mislead some readers.The correct name for the intellectual period that
Jane Austen lived in is the "Regency Period". Strictly speaking, Jane Austen's novels were published
in the regency; however, Jane Austen's character was formed - and three of her novels were first
drafted - in what might be called the Late Georgian period. At that time Jane tried to hide her identity
but not her gender ; her first publication, Sense and Sensibility, was signed, "By a Lady." She might
not probably want the public to think that an Austen woman had to publish novels in order to earn a
living. Jane Austen did not want us to imagine that her brothers were not supporting her as, indeed,
they were. In fact , Austen felt closer to Henry than other five brothers and her sister Cassandra
Elizabeth was her best friend in her life and they lived the same fortune ; both died unmarried that
might be their own choice because they were enough beautiful and intelligent to be loved. Some
mention that Jane Austen decided not to marry after her unlucky love story with Tom Lefroy.
However some beleive that her desicion is the result of her feminist thoughts. In spite of her own life ,
her novels end with marriage of her heroines . In contrast to the same (happy) endings , her heroines
differ from each other with their characteristics and fortune . For example, Emma is described as “
handsome, clever and rich, with a comfortable home and a happy disposition.” Emma , the richest of
Austen’s heroines , was busy with matchmaking and promised not to marry untill she fell in love her
friend George Knightley . A fact caught my attention in this novel- cocnominal character with author –
Jane Fairfax . Jane Austen describes her as beautiful, young woman and she is the ideal companion for
Emma. However Emma neglects her due to jealousy and claims that Jane is “cold”. At the same time
there is cocnominal character with author’s sister Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice and she is regarded
as the most admirable and endearing of Austen’s heroines.The character is described as “as delightful
a creature as ever appeared in print” and “a lively, playful disposition, which delighted in anything
ridiculous.”Darcy regards her as"she is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me; I am in no
humour at present to give consequence to young ladies who are slighted by other men", then pride and
prejudice begin in the novel. There are also cocnominal characters in her different novels. For
example, Fanny Price in Mansfield Park and Elinor’s sister-in-law Fanny in Sense and Sensibility.
These characters are opposite to each other ; while Fanny is opposite to Elinor and she is not main
character, Fanny Price is protogonist and she is described as “extremely timid and shy, shrinking from
notice “. In Sense and Sensibility Austen analyzes the conflict between the opposing temperaments of
sense that expressed in her time by neo-classicists and sensibility that expressed in the same time by
romantics. Elinor embodies the sense of the title , while her sister Marianne embodies sensibility and
the theme of novel is on the conflict of their opposite temperaments. Elinor also appears to be vaguely
based on the author’s older sister Cassandra . Probably Jane sees or wants to see herself as Marianne
too. Jane Austen presents the portrait of an independent spirit, a young , intelligent and melancholic
woman, sensitive and attentive to others, who regains her self-happiness, a very different happiness
from other Austenian heroines .She marries neither a land owner nor a cleryman, but a captain of a
ship. She is considered the most lucid and responsible Austenian heroine. “ She was nobody with
either father or sister, her word had no weight, her convenience was always to give way; she was only
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
Anne.” There is contrast between heroines; some are rich or important people around ,while others are
not. However, uniformities are their happiness and marriages at the end of novels ,while author herself
doesn’t live this fortune. Probably she lived happily in her novels.
Qafqaz University
What is American literature? American literature is the literature which written in the territory of
the United States. American history is connected with American literature and it has very great impact
on literature. In the early period America consisted of British colonies. The Colonial period was from
1620-1720. Then these colonies became the center of the early American literature. The Bible was the
foundation of puritan literature. The representatives of American literature were Samuel
Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Paine, in the post-war period, Thomas Jefferson, Washington Irving,
Edgar Allan Poe, Ralph Waldo Emerson.
The ideas of the Age of Reason in America were expressed in the Revolution. The outstanding
writers of the time were Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, and Philip Freneau.
The chief aim of the writers of Enlightenment was to diffuse republican ideas among the people: to
expose the tyranny of monarchism and defend the rights of man against the Church and the outdated
feudal laws.
The early works of Enlightenment period were Thomas Paine’s Common Sense and Thomas
Jefferson's Declaration of Independence. In The Declaration of Independence, very important
document of this period, explaining to the King of England why they break off of British rule after
years. Benjamin Franklin was another greatest writer of this period. America could not produce
authors who can compare himself with the contemporary school of English writers, such as Burns,
Wordsworth, and Coleridge. Of all the writers of this age, Franklin alone shows an undiminished
popularity with readers of the twentieth century.
And this period called as the true beginning of American fiction. The important fiction writers
were Charles Brockden Brown, Washington Irving, and James Fenimore Cooper; they widely used
American subjects, historical perspectives, and nostalgic tones in their works. They wrote in new
forms, and in new style, found new ways how to live through literature. With them, American
literature began to be read and made people to be interested in American literature.
The United States is one of the popular and dynamic countries in the world. Its population is
more than 300 million. Every year one million immigrants come from Asia and European countries,
who speak in different languages and dialects. Today literature in the United States is very interesting
and exciting. Books by non-American authors’ become bestseller. For example: Afghan-American
author Khaled Hosseini's novel, The Kite Runner is about childhood friends in Kabul separated by
the rule of the Taliban, young women from Iran Azar Nafisi's memoir “Reading Lolita in Teheran”,
Arthur Golden's Memoirs of a Geisha, in this memoir the writer describes Japanese woman's life
during World War II.
The short story, autobiography, fiction and memoir have become a part of American literature of
21st century. The short story is considered to be one or two pages and often called sudden fiction. It is
difficult to create and develop one character in short story, because there is little space for it.
Nobel Prize in literature winner (American authors)
1930: Sinclair Lewis (novelist)
1936: Eugene O'Neill (playwright)
1938: Pearl S. Buck (biographer and novelist)
1948: T. S. Eliot (poet and playwright)
1949: William Faulkner (novelist)
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
1954: Ernest Hemingway (novelist)
1962: John Steinbeck (novelist)
1976: Saul Bellow (novelist)
1978: Isaac Bashevis Singer (novelist, wrote in Yiddish)
1987: Joseph Brodsky (poet and essayist, wrote in English and Russian)
1993: Toni Morrison (novelist)
American literary awards
American Academy of Arts and Letters
Pulitzer Prize (Fiction, Drama and Poetry, as well as various non-fiction and journalist categories)
National Book Award (Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry and Young-Adult Fiction)
American Book Awards
PEN literary awards (multiple awards)
United States Poet Laureate
Bollingen Prize
Pushcart Prize
O. Henry Award(6)
Qafqaz Universiteti
Amerika ədəbiyyatındaromantik hərəkatın liderlərindən biri hesab olunan Edqar Po öz
yaradıcılığında detektiv janrın da imkanlarından geniş istifadə etməklə yetinməmiş, biraz
rəngarəngliyə doğru da meyillənərəkfantastik janrda da əsərlər qələmə almışdır. Mahiyyət etibarilə
romantizm cərəyanında üstünlük verilən yazıçının bədii təxəyyül imkanları, xəyal dünyası bir növ
özündə dedektivlik və fantastiklik çalarları da yarada bilir. Bu prinsipləri nəzərə alan yazıçı öz xəyal
dünyasını reallıqdan kənar bir şəkildə, tam fantastikaya əsaslanan müddəlara söykəyə bilir. Bu mənada
qeyd edə bilərik ki, Edqar Po məhz bu cür imkanlardan istifadə edərək özünü fərqləndiriməyi bacaran
Yazıçının insan psixologiyasına dərindən bələd olması, müxtəlif hadisə və proseslərin gedişində
insanın yaşadığı uğur və məhrumiyyətləri bacarıqla təsvir etməsi əsərlərində aydın hiss olunur.
Sadaladığımız keyfiyyətləri özündə əks etdirən əsərlərdən biri də məşhur “Qara pişik” hekayəsi.
Freydin “insan psixikasının dərinlikdəki qatı təbii instinktlər, ən böyük həzz almaq məqsədi güdən
“ilkin şövqlər” əsasında fəaliyyət göstərir” fikrini bu hekayədə daha aydın görə bilərik.
Hekayə sadə bir motiv üzərində qurulsa da sonrakı gedişat və baş verən hadisələr, şüurun
pozulması və insanın idarəetməsini itirməsi detektiv şəkildə təzahür edir. Müəllifin öz diliylə söylədiyi
hekayədə baş qəhrəmanın sonda pişiyi arvadı ilə birlikdə divara hörməsini göstərməklə bunun atrıq
onda bir vərdiş halına çevrildiyini qeyd edir.
Yazıçı baş qəhrəmanın arvadının ölümünü çox adi şəkildə təsvir edir. Pişik onun ayaqlarına
dolaşır, az qalır onu nərdivandan yıxsın. Hirlənərək oradakı baltanı götürərək heyvanı vurmaq istəyir.
Pişiyi vurmaq istərkən arvadı onun qolundan tutaraq vurmağa mane olur. “Bu məndə daha şeytani bir
qəzəb oyatdı: onun araya girməsinə çox pis əsəbiləşərək qolumu çəkdim və baltanı var gücümlə
arvadımın başına endirdim. O, cınqırını belə çıxarmadan yerindəcə keçindi”. Gördüyümüz kimi
hadisənin baş verməsindən sonrakı gedişdə baş qəhrəmanın ürək ağrısını, peşmanlıq keçirməsini görə
Realizmə xas olan hadisənin nəticəsindən doğan mənəvi iztirab, vicdan əzabını bir baxımdan
burada görmək o qədər də vacib olmur. Dedektiv janrda yazıçılar əsərlərini romantizm dünyagörüşü
ilə yazıldığı üçün yazıçı hadisələrin gedişatını öz əlinə alır və istədiyi istiqamətə aparır.
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
Qeyd edim ki, bu hekayəni tam olmasa da müəyyən mənada reallıqla da bağlaya bilərik.
Hekayədə təsvir olunan hadisələr gerçək həyatla bağlı hadisələrdir. Sadəcə bir nüans var. O da
psixologiyanın təsirilə insan dəyişməsi, normal insanın edə bilməyəci işləri görməsidir. Baş
qəhrəmanın gözünü bağlayan nifrət, ətrafdakı heyvanlara aqqressiv münasibət və bu münasibətin
insanlara yansıması psixoloji pozğunluğun yaratdığı fəsadları nəticə olaraq bizə öyrədir. Arvadının
qətlindən sonra qəzəblə pişiyi axtarması onun nifrətinin davamı kimi qiymətləndirilə bilər. “Əgər o bu
dəqiqə əlimə keçsəydi, sonu çatmışdı, amma görünür, bu hiyləgər pişik mənim həddindən atrıq qəzəbli
olduğumu görüb aradan çıxmışdı”. Burada müəllif heyvanların instiktinin güclü olmasını, insanın
aurasının (müsbət və ya mənfi olmasından asılı olmayaraq) onun ətrafındakı canılılara yansıması
fikrini sübut etmiş olur.
Ümumilikdə hekayənin məzmunu,təhkiyə üsulu, mövzusu insan cəmiyyətinin nöqsanlarını
göstərir və bir çox psixoloji ziddiyyətlərin aradan qaldırılması üçün insanın iradəsini möhkəmlətməsi-
nin vacibliyini göstərir. Müəllifin hadisələri bütün cəmiyyət şəklində deyil, bir fərdin baxışında, priz-
masında göstərməsi hər hansı bir kütləvi mənəvi xəstəliyin sağalmasının ilk öncədən fərddən başlama-
sının zəruriliyini önə sürür. Baş qəhrəmanın öz psixi problemlərini həll edə bilməməsi, ümumiyyətlə
bu təşəbbüsdə bulunmaması onun iradi zəifliyindən xəbər verir. Onun öz hisslərinə, həyatına və prin-
siplərinə biganə münasibəti ətrafındakı insanlara da pis nümunə olur. Nəticədə bu mənəvi pozğunluq
genişlənir, sonra kontinental, qlobal bir xəstəliyə çevrilir.
Bütün bəşəri xəstəliklər məlum olduğu kimi mənəvi problemlərdən başlayır. Bir insanın psixoloji
olaraq pessimizmə qatılması onun çox zaman onun gələcəyini ciddi sınaqlarla üzləşdirir. Bu
ikiləşmədən də çox zaman nifrət və qəzəb qalib ayrılır. Bötövlükdə yazıçıların bu sahədə rolu
danılmazdır. Psixologiya ilə daha çox psixoloqlar məşğul olsa da bunu bir problem olaraq yazıçılar
daha qabarıq göstərə bilir. Bir fərdin psixikasını ortaya qoymaqla onun yaşadığı fiziki və mənəvi
sarsıntıları bədiiləşdirərək maraqlı tablolar yaradır. Haqqında danışdığımız hekayədə bir neçə səhifədə
müəllif bunları göstərməyə çalışır.
Hekayədə hadisələrin tez müddətdə açılması, bəzən oxucunun belə hadisələri izləməkdə çətinlik
çəkməsi, qəfildən fikir dağınıqlarının yaranması, hadisələri uzlaşdırmada yaranan problemlər oxucunu
çaşdırır. Mətn realist olsa da müəllifin dedektiv priyomlardan istifadə edərək əsərə canılıq gətirə
bilməsi sadaladığımız tənqidi məqamı müəyyən qədər örtür.
Oxucu hekayəni oxuya-oxuya sonluğu təyin edə bilmir. Yalnız son cümlədə hər şey aydınlaşır.
Baş qəhrəman evinə axtarışa gələn polislərə özü də bilmədən kömək edən, nəticədə özünü itirərək
qatil olduğunu sübut edir. “Başının üstündə isə məni cinayətə sürükləyən, indi də dar ağacına
göndərəcək olan o mənfur pişik kəskin dişlərini götərir və parıldayan tək gözü ilə mənə baxırdı!
Demə, onu da arvadımla birgə divara hörmüşəmmiş”.
Baş qəhrəman özü belə hadisələrin bu cür yekunlaşacağını təsvir edə bilmir. Gözlərini örtən
niftər duyğusu, bir müddətdən sonra onu ayıldır.
Hekayə müasir dövrlə səsləşmə baxımından aktualdır və bu aktuallıq özünü praktiki və təcrübi
olaraq da göstərməkdədir.
Modernist writers looked for a new "subject theme" for literature and they felt that their new
decision of looking at life needs a new form, a new way of writing. Writers of this movement applied
to more experimental and usually more highly individual writing style. Everything was changing and
these great changes influenced to the literary writing too. These changes of new approaches were felt
in modernist writing: character, plot, style, point of view.
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
Character: the summary of the character disappeared, appearing of individual characters for
example the works of Dickens; individualism and individual characters as diverse, opposing,
ambiguous, multiple.
Plot: shifting from liner chronological order to the non-chronological own and the use fragments,
moment time, multiple plots, open unresolved endings
Style: "stream of consciousness"—became the central point, changing from the association logic
to the unconscious; imagination used more rather than logical connections.
Point of view: a refuse of the single, authoritative point of view for a narrative oneinstead of one
character whose point of view is limited. It replaced by several characters who establish relative,
multiple points of view.Of course, there are differences between realism and modernism. So let
analyze some of them.
Both modernism and realism are theories and ideas that were deeply reflected in the literature
during the phase these philosophies were at their peak. In this article, we will know about these two
different forms of practices in the world, with special emphasis of their impact in literature.
The essential difference between modernism vs realism, the two forms of thinking patterns or
philosophies is that it was the conflict between the old traditional values, beliefs and the new rational,
logical views. Modernism, in strictest sense was a refusal to accept the conservative views, ideologies
and theories of realism. Modernism was revolutionary in the sense that it challenged the issues that
blocked the human progress. It focused deeply on human efforts, its self-consciousness to examine all
aspects of human life and correct the things that were wrong. Right from commerce and trade to
philosophy, modernism questioned everything and encouraged individuals to find answers to problems
by deep thinking, self experiments and knowledge.
In realism, that preceded modernism, the main thought was that the reality in the everyday life is
the ultimate truth. It is not dependent on the power of observers and so, it must be depicted as it is, in
arts and literature. Modernism challenged realism, as it focused on inner self-consciousness and the
power of scientific experimentation to challenge and consequently change reality.
Modernism. It is said that Modernism flourished between 900-1930. However, literary scholars
agree on the fact that the modernism as a form of literary style has penetrated deeply in the 20th
century and existed even after half of the 20th century. It is also believed that the era after Vietnam
War, roughly close to 1990s, kick started the post-modernism era.
Realism. Realism preceded modernism in literature and the period between1860-1900 was
regarded as the realism period in literature.
It has a pessimistic tone regarding various issues dealt in the writing.It portrays reality of life,
without any romanticism or much optimism as in the Victorian or Romantic literature.
Variety and complexity in novels made modernistic writing difficult to comprehend.
Numerous themes of modern literature included the search within self, the inner dilemma human
beings face, questions regarding existence of God in the modern world, overwhelming technological
changes and the struggle of man to fit in urban life. Many characters and multiple experiences of
people in the story. It uses tools like "stream of consciousness", self experience for representing inner
mind, thoughts and views about life. No central heroic figure in the story. Not sequential and
connected events unlike realism literature, with fixed time lines. Questions deeply about isolation of
an individual in a society fragmented by growth and development. Characters in modern literature
were usually from middle class families.
It generally dealt with everyday lives of the middle class people. The works in realism literature
focused on the quality of individual's life, his daily tasks and that is why, in realism, character is
always more important than the plot.No poetic, romantic language is used in realism. The voice of
speech represents average man and so it is simple but the tone may be comic or satiric.
Events and plot in realism will be reasonable and valid, and truthful. It doesn't discuss anything that is
sentimental or over dramatic the most unique feature of realism is that everything, right from
characters, plot and language is free of ornamentation. It is explained as it is, without any decorative
Modernist Writers