Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
Воображение — это психический процесс создания образов предметов, продуктов
деятельности путем приведения имеющихся у человека знаний в но-вое сочетание в условиях
неопределенности наличной проблемной ситуации.
Воображение не может развернуться на пустом месте. Для того чтобы на-
чать фантазировать, человек должен увидеть, услышать, получить впечатления и удержать
их в памяти.
Чем больше знаний, чем богаче опыт человека. Воображение возникло у человека в ходе
трудовой деятельности. Различают два вида воображения — воссоздающее и творческое.
Воссоздающее воображение развертывается на основе воспринятой знаковой системы:
словесной, числовой и др. Например воссоздавая, человек наполняет знаковую систему
имеющимися в его распоряжении знаниями.
Воссоздающее воображение имеет большое значение при усвоении учеб-ного материала.
Задача педагогического процесса — накапливать у учащихся яркие образы в ходе изучения
истории, географии и других учебных предметов, с тем чтобы опираясь на них, они могли
воссоздавать соответствующие дейст-вительности картины, ситуации, события.
Велика роль воображения в творческой деятельности учителя. Одухот-воренность — одно
из важнейших и ценнейших качеств личности педагога. Учителя, который рассказывает
учащимся давно известный ему материал, всег-да подстерегает опасность соскользнуть во
время урока в плоскость переживания фактов. И учитель и ученики видят во взаимном
общении лишь скучную обязанность. Этого не должно быть. Лишь тот урок захватывает
учащихся, на котором учитель вместе с учениками как бы впервые открывает неизвестное им,
но давно известное ему как нечто новое и для него самого.
Mocковский Университет
21-век” Meждународный
Центр Инноваций и Образования
Развитие творческого потенциала является одной из основных задач не только отдельного
индивида, но и общества в целом, так как через творческую реализацию возможно порождение
и развитие новых идей, что благоприятно сказывается на развитии самого общества.
Существуют различные рычаги влияния, с помощью которых стимулируется развитие
творческого потенциала. Одним из таких рычагов является культура.
Страна, в которой я проживаю, является поликультурной: в Азербайджане проживают
представители различных культур. На мой взгляд, благодаря этому поликультурному синтезу у
детей межгрупповые контакты протекают в более благоприятных условиях; у них происходит
обобщение полученного опыта межкультурного взаимодействия, его разнообразие что, в свою
очередь, способствует формированию надэтнической идентичности. Это может приводить к
расширению горизонтов творческого проявления. Молодым людям, выросшим в такой стране,
на мой взгляд, проще принимать новое и адаптироваться, а это является важной
характеристикой успешности развития. Так же молодые люди не ограниченны определенным
культурным фоном, что дает большой простор и свободу для творческого проявления себя.
Так же учитывая что, Азербайджан является развивающейся страной, и многое здесь
только зарождается, потребность в «новаторском»- творческом подходе очень высоко ценится.
Основным проявлением государственной поддержки, как и в любой другой стране, является
финансирование. Нашим государством спонсируется множество проектов творческого
развития молодежи. К примеру, в прошлом году в Азербайджане стартовал проект по
развитию, продвижению и популяризации творческой и активной молодежи, организованный
молодежной ассоциацией ADDIM. Наличие подобной государственной поддержки в большой
степени мотивирует творческое развитие молодежи.
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
В целом творческий процесс многогранен и может быть огромное количество причин,
подводящих человека к творческой деятельности. Помимо культурологического влияния,
которое выделяется как базовая стимуляция творческого развития, можно выделить так же
влияние социума, выражающееся непосредственно через социальную среду развития. К
социально аспектам, участвующим в раскрытии творческого потенциала относится влияние
всего окружения индивида на его развитие и становление: отношения с родителями, с
родственниками, ровесниками в образовательных учреждениях и.т.д.
Истоки творчества ребенка лежат непосредственно в его детстве, в первоначальном
обучении, эмоциональном насыщении детских лет. Во взаимодействии с окружающими
людьми и в первую очередь с родителями мотивация к творческому развитию может, как
укрепляться, так и снижаться вплоть до исчезновения.
Долгое время после рождения для ребенка главными людьми помогающими воспринимать
мир, людей и законы жизни являются родители. Они оказывают влияние на развитие ребенка в
целом и на раскрытие и развитие творческих способностей ребенка в частности.
Родители могут стимулировать творческое развитие ребенка и его мотивацию к творению
некоторыми простыми действиями:
· обращая внимание на интерес ребенка, укрепляя его
· расширять горизонты, знакомить с новым ребенка, предоставляя ассортимент увлечений
· одобряя и поддерживая первые шаги.
И наоборот: отсутствие поддержки, поощрения, постоянная критика может привести к
потере мотивации и подавлению творческого развития.
Вкладом социального аспекта жизни в раскрытие и развитие творческого потенциала так
же проявляется через учебные заведения где происходит ознакомление ребенка с различными
аспектами творчества: поэзии, живописи, музыки, танцев, которые могут помочь развить все
стороны творческой личности: воображение, интуицию, эстетический вкус и эмоциональную
сферу, художественное мышление, целостный охват явлений и способность к синтезу. Важным
здесь является расширение круга общения, взаимодействие со сверстниками, получение опыта
«непредвзятого» оценивания (часто родители хвалят детей за все только от любви и дети это
Предполагается, что стремление созидать изначально осознанно или неосознанно
присутствует во всех людях. Так же в каждом из нас имеется творческий потенциал,
выражающийся в создании чего-то нового. Вышеперечисленные аспекты, несомненно,
оказывают сильное влияние на раскрытие этого творческого потенциала, но не менее важным
является так же и собственная деятельность. И развивать собственный творческий потенциал
необходимо в первую очередь самому индивиду, так как, создавая что-то новое, меняя
окружающий мир, человек, непрерывно растёт и меняется сам. Поэтому поиск новых идей и
оригинальных решений — это одно из проявлений непрерывного поиска себя, самопознания и
личностного роста.
Обобщая написанное выделяем 3 основных фактора определяющих творческое развитие:
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
We all have some values which give the meaning to our lifetime. Thus these values characterized
by their bounders. Sometimes those bounders turn into uncontrollable things and these are the
beginning of the most important issue – dependency. What is the dependency? İf we want to know
exactly about dependency first we should be aware of our brain system. Of course we do not need to
know all of the mystical facts about brain. So dependency is connected with the dopamine that provide
us interest and passion, located in front of the brain. High level of dependency is called addiction. We
should point that all kinds of dependency and addiction are danger for person’s health and life.
There are several things that cause of being dependent:
TV and social media
Video games
Dependency of alcohol is widespread enough all over the world. Actually, this kind of
dependency started with 1 glass of alcohol. Year by year glasses increase and it make the person
consume 1 bottle of alcohol. Statistics show that after 10 years using alcohol that person automatically
begin to be dependent. That dependency destroy all the mental strength and performance of liver.
Other type dependency is known as illegal issue but indispensible for some person. As usually
heroin dependency begin with the person`s curiosity. Day by day that interest demand high dose for
recover its dopamine degree. While using heroin person lose all control and also very high dose of
heroin cause death. If the person start to give up without any medical help that try will be unsuccessful
because of some cases of body for example shaking hands and so on.
Third the global issue of our world but not well known as dependency – technological, so
identical, TV and social media dependency. At the beginning no one feel this like dependency but
again day by day that person begin to lose plenty of hobbies and sacrifice himself for watching TV or
using social media. Primary sign of that dependency is at the beginning person use social media at the
free times but after because of using social media person could not find any other free time. When he
touch his phone his aim is 5 minute but that minutes turns into hours without his control. Main harm of
that type of dependency is to decrease good relationship among people.
Every children`s priceless issue- video games are another type of dependency. Actually test says
that playing video games have more benefits on children for example increasing concentration and
durability during stressful periods. On the other hand there was one worker lost his job because of
overusing video games while work time.
Gamble dependency is something like that person first just test his chance, second he feel that he
is successful and continue playing. In the gamble rooms every time winner is the room itself. Person
lost all of his money, honor on the table and begin to lend debt from everyone, play with hope but lose
again. Main damage of that category is decrease personal quality and cause very bad effect on the
family relationships.
Final part is related with different type of dependency. In that type, person depends another
person. This person feel like he cannot live without that person and his mood directly connected with
other person`s mood. Generally, that kind of person has no ability for decide something free or being
in high mood every time because on someone. Main damage of that type of dependency is losing all
personal ability and cannot live normal life.
Main unknowns or misunderstanding thing in all dependency that this related with person`s
determine. Science and medical tests say that NO. Because dependency is directly related with the
brain`s neurons which impossible control by person itself that`s why dependency is not some foolish
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
thing it is just disease. Second some people think that only foolish person be dependent. Facts and
accidents say again NO. We all know heroin is illegal item but users sometimes can hide this with
incredible tactics and we cannot consider them as foolish.
Of course ever thing has solution. Dependency has medical and mental therapy. Generally
dependent person refuse being dependent and recover. At that time people nearby should motivate him
and make him to recover.
All in all, dependency is some brain trick to us. Then try to control our brain before our brain
control us.
Lecturer at Baku State University
The development of young children has to be the focus of the attention of child development
specialists, practitioners working with children, researchers studying child development, policy
makers, etc. The Zeitgeist has converged to make this an ideal time to focus on identifying and helping
children early in their lives (Peterson, 1987) so they will enter school ready to learn. The negative
political and economic consequences of the low academic achievement cannot be overstated in this
regard. Starting to educate children early using the adequate intervention services based on the results
of developmental assessment of children is considered to be the best way of ameliorating this serious
situation. The child’s development has to be assessed using reliable and valid standardized tools.
However, these instruments are not available in all languages. The cases of inaccurate identification of
children’s developmental problems are common in the institutions dealing with children in Azerbaijan
due to the lack of proper assessment instruments in the language spoken by the population. Therefore,
the current study attempted to carry out the cross-cultural adaptation of Diagnostic Inventory for
Screening Children (DISC) to the Azerbaijani language with the ultimate goal of meeting the need for
standardized assessment instruments in the field of child development.
The Diagnostic Inventory for Screening Children (DISC; Amdur, Mainland, & Parker, 1999)
is an individually-administered test for referred preschool children from birth to five years old who are
suspected to have a developmental disability. The DISC was developed in Ontario to fill a clinical
need for a measure more sensitive than screening instruments used in mass testing of non-referred
children and less expensive and comprehensive than a full diagnostic assessment (Parker, Mainland,
&Amdur, 1990). Ideally, assessment should provide a clear link to intervention(Gilliam & Mayes,
2000), but standard measures, such as intelligence tests, often have too high a “floor” for this
population and provide little information useful to intervention planning (Siegel-Causey &Allinder,
1998).The DISC was developed with facilitation of treatment planning as an important goal (Amdur et
al., 1999).
In the course of the study the DISC that was originally developed in English language needed to
be subjected to translation and cross-cultural adaptation (Herdman, Fox-Rushby,&Badia, 1998;
Streiner& Norman, 2003). Based on the recommendations of International Test Commission (2010)
the DISC was translated into Azerbaijani using the forward-and-back translation processes, three
translators, and was tested using bilingual reviewers. As a result of this process certain items were
modified and a new version was developed.
The study was conducted in three big cities and rural areas near them in Azerbaijan. The sample
of the study was composed of children who were living at home, born no more than one month
premature, with no apparent behavior or emotional problems, and where Azerbaijani was the first
language spoken in the home. Initially, it was planned to apply random sampling method to form the
study sample, however, due to the refusal of some parents to participate in the study, the sample was
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
biased due to voluntary participation. However, the method of selection of the study participants was
based on ethical issues, the researchers respected the family’s decision not to participate and they were
not contacted again. Families that agreed to participate received and signed a consent letter before the
administration of the DISC with their child.
Taking into account certain cultural and socio-economic features of the country the following
hypotheses were formed:
Male and female child performance on DISC will not be different for 0-5 age category;
Children attending kindergarten and other child development centers and those who do not attend
will perform differently on DISC;
DISC performance of children residing in Baku, Ganja and Sheki cities will be different;
DISC performance of children from the families where parents are highly educated will not be
different from the results of children whose parents have only high school education;
DISC performance of children from families where the head of family holds certain occupation
will not be different;
Azerbaijani version of DISC is valid and reliable assessment tool for the population of the
During the study the hypotheses were proved by data gathered during the research. As it was
hypothesized, the performance of male and female children do not statistically differ from each other.
Strong relationship was found between children’s attendance of the child development centers and
their DISC performance. Children living in Sheki city also showed higher score in comparison to score
of children residing in Baku and Ganja cities. Children did not show any statistically significant
differences based on the parent’s education or occupation variable. In conclusion, an Azerbaijani
language translation of the DISC proved valid and reliable for its use with the children population of
the country. This study provides evidence supporting the cross-cultural validity of an Azerbaijani
version of DISC that can be recommended as an standardized norm referenced assessment instrument
for children from birth to 5 years old to child development practitioners.
Were the playwrights from Athens interested in such psychological phenomenon as conscience,
and if they were, how did they express it?
We must start with a classic passage from Euripides’ “Orestes”, which is usually discussed in
connection with conscience. Here, to the Menelaos’ question which disease kills Orestes, the young
man answers: “ή σύνεσις, ότι σύνοιδα δέίν είργασζένος”. In this sentence we have no pronoun and it is
not necessary, as the direct object δεινά and participle είργασζένος give us dependent clause: “… as I
know (well) that I committed a dreadful thing”. The verb συνοιδα is discussed here as follows: to
know (well). This with meaning it is more than once confirmed in Euripides’ modern sources and with
Euripides himself. Though, the verb συνειδέναι with reflexive pronoun in dative case doesn’t define
the emergence of the phenomenon of conscience. Aristophanes’ Mnesilochos disguised as a woman,
confesses a lot of sins, but he still very far from conscience. The use of these constructions with direct
objects doesn’t differ from similar prosaic examples we find with Xenophon, Appolodoro, Platon,
where no one tries to find any expressions of conscience. As for the noun σύνεσις, with Pindaro, it
means “common sense”, but with Euripides, one and the same word is used seven times with the
meaning “sensible”, “the ability to understand”, “understanding”. Then why do we have to think that
in “Orestes” the noun σύνεσις is used with a different and unusual meaning? Wouldn’t it be more
correct to follow Zucker, Polentz and Bill, who translate σύνεσις as “understanding” (die Einsicht –
“understanding” of his situation by Orestes)?
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
And still, did the characters of ancient Greek drama have conscience? This kind of question may
seem not only paradoxical but unnatural: attributing modern standards of moral values to the
characters of ancient Greek literature, we cannot help being suspicious about conscience in mother’s
killer Orestes, or in Neoptholemos, who gained Philoctete’s trust by cheating him. A part of
researchers doesn’t consider conscience to be an inseparable part of ancient Greek tragedy; but they
want to see the prerequisites of religious moral in it, which later established in Christianity. They
define conscience as “the divine voice”, with which God addresses people, encourages them to act or
warns and protects them, and after the action He either praises or reprimands them. But there is a
question – can we trust these numerous Gods, who were not perfect themselves, but demanded a lot
from ordinary people?
“The divine voice”, which was heard in people’s souls, is different from interference of a concrete
God or a prophet in the fate of ancient Greek literary characters. This single reason is enough to doubt
the efforts of some scientists to identify Mermises’ warning to Aegisthus (Aeschylus’ “Oresteia”),
Hermes’s threat in Aeschylus’s “Prometheus Bound” or Sophocles’ “Antigone“ with the phenomenon
of conscience. There is no effort in any of these passages to express the phenomenon of conscience.
With the same reason we reject the identification of erinyes with conscience in Aeschylus’ “Oresteia”,
or, to be more precise, in the finale of “Choephores”. In the tragedy “The Eumenides”, the erinyes
sometimes appear with Athena, sometimes with this or that character and finally, decide to stay at the
Acropolis of Athens forever. This doesn’t correspond to the personification of Orestes’ conscience.
This is agreed upon by the researchers who consider the character to be the victim of conscience at the
finale of “Choephores”. Though, in this final scene, erinyes are not phantoms, conceived in Orestes’ ill
conscience. Erimyes in “Choephores” didn’t come on stage. Their brief appearance would spoil the
effect in “The Eumenides”, where Hiphias describes them with the same words as Orestes, and for the
second time prepares them for the “terror” of their sight. Neither Orestes, who already feels the
approaching madness, nor the chorus see the point in reprimanding the man who saved Argos from
two tyrants, but Agamemnon’s blood confuses Orestes’ mind, he φρένες δύσαρκτοι (loses control over
his mind). Ancient Greeks also saw the results of erimyes’s action. But nothing is said about “duality
of personality” or inner reflex, as none of Aeschylus’ heroes is characterized by these features. It is
enough for Orestes to undergo ritual purification and his mind acquires enviable firmness and
We think that it is more productive to follow the way chosen by Fredrick Zuccer rather than look
for conscience where it is not mentioned at all. The time of his research was not accidental, as at the
end of the 20s and at the beginning of the 30s, German scientists got interested in the inner world of
ancient Greece, which, to their mind, was quite different from the psychic world of a modern man.
They researched and discovered the difference of understanding human nature in ancient and modern
times, in its spiritual and intellectual image, its social function.
It is unacceptable for us to admit this difference in such a categorical way. In this case, it would
be unclear why we are still so attracted to the characters of ancient drama with their dignity, who
deserve the same evaluation as in our time. Sacrifice for your country, kindness, care for people and
many others are still considered to be great deeds; but betrayal, injustice, contentions – are believed to
be greatest faults, immoral behavior. The attitude towards conscience/dishonesty will also be the same
among ancient Greeks and us. That’s why we still live faithful Andromach and don’t like the husband-
killer Clitemnestra. It is difficult to look for conscience where there is not one, it is not talked about,
but our approach to the topic was the following: conscience was not in ancient Greeks’ consciousness,
but it must have been in ancient Greek society. To prove this, honest/dishonest behavior of drama
characters, depending on the psychology of a modern man, can be considered to be the ability to
That’s why, we went even further and in this chapter we also used modern moral values, modern
criteria of evaluation towards the characters of ancient Greek drama.
I reviewed Aeschylus’ tragedies: “Prometheus Bound”, “Orestea”, “The Supppliants”, “The
Persians”, “Seven against Thebes”; Sophocles’ “Electra”, “Philoctetes”, “Oedipus the King”,
“Oedipus in Colonus”, “Ajax”, “The Trachiniae”; Euripides’ “Medea”, “Iphigenia in Aulis”, “Fedra”,
“Hecuba”, “Hippolytus”, “Alcestis”; Aristophanes’ comedies: “The Acharnians”, “Peace”, “The
Clouds”, “The Wasps”, “The Knights”, “The Birds”, “Thesmophoriazuae”, “The Assemblywomen”,
“Lysistrata” and verified that drama turned out to be the most productive in term of the phenomenon
of conscience.