Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
Qafqaz Universiteti
Divorce is usually a personal decision determined by individuals, not by religion or the law.
Psychologists and psychiatrists came up with a different explanation for the rise in divorce rates and
also a new set of proposals. Divorce and family disintegration were caused neither by immorality, as
clergy had suggested, nor by economic and social conditions, as sociologists suggested, but by
psychological problems. An Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis S. Freud suggested
that divorce was the result of conflict that was inherent in the passion of close relationships in any
family (Stewart and Brentano, 2006, p. 6). On the ground investigation about causes and consequences
of divorce by the professor of psychology and social behavior in the University of California C.
Stewart and the assistant professor of psychology in the Chapman University, Brentano states that
many factors lead to the marriage breakup, such as which include youth, lack of education, a troubled
upbringing, and heavy demands from work and child care - heighten stress and overwhelm the
couple’s emotional and psychological resources. Unrealistic expectations about marriage and family
life, lack of preparation for parenting, and inadequate communication and negotiation skills amplify
these risks. An attractive alternative to the marriage may provide the laststraw (Stewart and Brentano,
2006, p. 1, 235). Although communication problems may eventually culminate in divorce, different
variables may be important in predicting divorce and marital dissatisfaction, particularly within the
early years of marriage. Enduring vulnerabilities, the stable demographic, historical, personality, and
experiential factors that individuals bring to a marriage, influence a couple’s responses to stressful
events and, through adaptive processes, to marital quality and marital dissolution (Kiecolt-Glaser,
Bane, Glaser and Malarkey, 2003, p. 1). Service members represent a population that should be highly
vulnerable to experiencing adverse marital outcomes. Although the most vulnerable individuals (e.g.,
those with histories of substance abuse, psychopathology, or criminal behavior) are excluded from
serving in the military, those who do enlist tend to be the most vulnerable of the eligible population in
terms of age, ethnicity, and potential for career advancement in the civilian labor market (RAND
Corporation, 2007).
Marriage ends, but the trail remains. No matter a short or long-term damage of divorce to family
members and the community is inevitable (Family Research Institute of Turkey Prime Ministry, 1991,
p. 221). Adjustment takes time after divorce for men, women and children. Under similar stressful
conditions, males respond with elevated rates of substance use and females with greater amounts of
depression, anxiety, and psychophysiological symptoms. Compared to married people, separated and
divorced individuals show far higher levels of psychological distress, alcohol abuse, accidents,
physical illness, mortality, and outpatient and inpatient mental health treatment (Horwitz, White,
Howell-White, 1996, p. 279-280). Interparental quarrels, bad-mouthing, and missed visits by the
noncustodial parent present serious adaptation challenges for children. Children's success in coping
with these negative interactions has important implications for their mental health (Sandier, Wolchik,
Braver, Fogas, 1986).
Several studies (Amato & Keith, 1991; Pillow, Sandier, Braver, Wolchik, & Gersten, 1991)
indicate that post divorce stressors have more important influence on children's mental health than
does the occurrence of the divorce per se. Children play a role in bringing about the stressors which
occur them (Sandier, Tein, &West, 1994). Divorced parents have a responsibility to children to do
everything under their power to keep their relationship with both parents warm, loving and civil, if
possible. Children's lifes were changed without their wish, it doesn‘t matter for better or worse.
Undoubtedly, the most affected part of family is the children in the eve and before divorce. It is also
fact that children is the factor for delaying divorce. Meeting the needs such as, the emotional
fulfillment of expectations, feeling self-confident, pleasant relationships with parents of the child can
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
be felt to be loved, accepted that lead to be felt important, at the same time learn to trust to people and
appreciate the world as an affirmative place (M. Calishir, "Adult Attachment Theory and Affect
Regulation Strategies Relationship with Depression", in Psychiatry General Perspectives, 2009, 1, p.
240-255). Due to the investigation, the adult who is separeted from mother can easily involved
criminal, commit crime, and unsocial behaviour, difficulties in establishing close relationships, feeling
loneliness and in regular depressive are observed (M.L.Cooper, P.R.Shaver, N.L. Collins, “Attachment
Styles, Emotion Regulation and Adjustment in Adolescence“, Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 1998, 74 (5), s.1380-1397). Divorce women and the children of divorced family are
facing more psychological troubles.
The result of divorce causes not only the disintegration of family but also the disintegration of
youth psychology that the absence of a mother or father take people to face problems like establishing
identification, at times fake or wrong identification established, meet psychological troubles in the
society. This problem such as, addicting alcohol, drug abuse, corruption and so on affects all
communities spread over time. It is worthy to point out that on the basis of such kind of problems lie
psychological or social reasons (Enver Ozkalp, Introduction to Sociology, 7 Edition. Eskişehir, 1994,
p.124). The relation between parents are extremenly important for the children, the divorce of their
parents for the child is a difficult process. Only the normal relations between father and mother will be
able to cope children through uncertainty, insecurity, anxiety feelings claimed by Turkish Asst.
Assoc.Dr. on Clinical Psychologist Ongider (Ongider, 2013, p. 157).
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
Qafqaz University
The following topic is talking about sexuality in English language
As we know in English language there are two famous pronouns as “he” and “she” which are
used in the language for nothing but to define the gender of the person we are applying to. But in
today’s world we have to be careful using them, as there are people, gender of whom belong neither to
“he” nor “she”. In this article we are not talking about neither judging persons belonging to the gender
which is neither “he” or “she”, but rather talking about actual pronoun-related changes in the language,
the fact that has to be respected by every person trying to learn English language or already knows the
In this sentence we can clearly understand that now there are people when they are introducing
themselves or others rather than expressing “he/she” they tell “they/them/themselves” in relevant
format, I mean in subject pronoun, object, reflexive or etc. With this the person clearly shows the
sexual orientation. Some people feel or at least this is what they claim like a gender queer, which
means the person sometimes feels that he/she belongs to masculine but sometimes the feeling changes
towards feminine gender which may sound clearly awkward for Azerbaijani audience. So any lecturer
before teaching the topic has to be aware of the situation that students may completely be in dark about
the topic and even ignore it entirely thinking that theme is nothing but bullshit.
In the beginning of this year he asked his friends to call them Kit, instead of his name, the name
that he had grown up with. So here we use pronoun “them” but it is actually is not them, it is he or she.
Wilson’s asking his friends to call him one name Kit and one pronoun as “they” shows that there
is now rise of new generation demanding that which are a lot specially among the students in
international arena.
Transgender: Applies to a person whose gender is different from their "assigned" sex at birth
Cisgender: Applies to someone whose gender matches their "assigned" sex at birth (ie someone
who is not transgender)
Non-binary: Applies to a person who does not identify as "male" or "female"
Genderqueer: Similar to "non-binary" - some people approach "queer" as brutal, others accept it
Genderfluid: Applies to a person whose gender identity changes over time
Now it is widely growing trend in American universities to ask others’ genders and sharing one’s
own. It is not enough you talked to the person you have to be sure the correct pronoun to refer to the
person in the further conversations making non-binary pronouns more and more famous across the
globe. In American universities, at orientations while students usually introduce themselves talking
about their names, AKAs (also known as or nick), hometown, hobbies and PGP which preferred
gender pronoun. In the orientation he/she may tell my name is Kate, I want to be referred as “they”
which is largely used as “non-binary pronoun”.
"We ask everyone at orientation to state their pronouns," says Sara Bendoraitis, who is currently
working for Center for Diversity and Inclusion, "so that we are learning more about each other rather
than assuming."
In today’s English assuming one’s gender may be considered as a big mistake, you had best
apply to the person individually asking PGP.
At the University of Vermont, which has led this movement, students can choose from "he,"
"she," "they," and "ze," as well as "name only" - meaning they don't want to be referred to by any
third-person pronoun, only their name.
Here we understand that it increases the student’s ability to take into control the identity, says
Keith Williams, who is for the time being working for the university, who helped to launch the
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
updated student information system in 2009 which later helped university staff in the matter we talked
about. Most people stick to the default option, "none", which means they are not registering a pronoun
- presumably because they are content to let people decide whether they are a "he" or a "she".
An information card developed by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee LGBT Resource
Center in 2011 has been extensively reproduced and delivered across the US.
To sum up, I would like to stress that when we talk in English we have to be very careful when it
comes to using pronouns defining gender status of other parties. In future more and more people will
be inclined to use non-binary pronouns in the language, which may be taken as serious issue by others.
Qafqaz Universiteti
Translation is very challenging. As it has a lot of kinds, to deal with their forms and styles is also
very challenging. A translator has to be ready for all sorts of unexpected situations, and only a
professional and experienced translator can overcome such surprising cases. Every translator must
know how to prevent from getting into disgraceful and shameful situations. Because in translation
business, if you are known for being such kind of the translator who makes serious mistakes and these
mistakes cause big troubles for some people, no one would ever want to give a job for this translator.
In addition to these, there are reasons why translators make mistakes.
First of all, as it is clear that there are two main kinds of translation. So, there is a question; who
is confused most often, a translator or an interpreter? In my opinion, it is an interpreter who makes
common mistakes. That is because of the restricted time, maybe. In simultaneous translation,
everything happens in a short moment. Time is very short for the interpreter to translate each word into
the target language. And at this short time interval, an interpreter can be confused and interpret the
words wrongly. The wrongly translated words might be very important for the audience. So in this
case the interpreter stands on the each wrong word trying to correct her mistake, the rest of the speech
will be difficult to catch. There are also some other reasons for an interpreter's mistakes. These are
work conditions, the disordered tools, the limited time for the preparation before the event, the
difficulty of the subject to be interpreted, the difficult terms and words at the certain field, the rich
vocabulary of the language, the high speed of the speaker's speech, the usage of the accents and
dialects by the speaker, and the psychologically tension of the interpreter. These all lead the interpreter
to make mistakes. Sometimes the interpreter cannot catch only one word which is really crucial for the
process. As a result an interpreter makes a mistake. This mistake might be the end of her/ his career.
And what about how to avoid to make mistakes? It is very rare that if an interpreter says that
he/she has never made mistake. Actually, it is normal thing. However, an important point in this issue
is that if an interpreter makes mistake, these mistakes should not be so notable. On the other hand, an
interpreter will have a difficult time while trying to fix every mistake. Certainly, it is almost
impossible to proceed the interpretation process without a mistake. But again I would like to stress out
one fact, these mistakes should not be so big mistakes. If there is a big mistake that might cause the
turbulence in the audience, an interpreter should apologize for the misunderstanding and correct
her/his mistake. When I was participating in the event where the famous interpreters were working, I
witnessed such types of misunderstanding. The interpreter whose booth I was in for seeing how
interpretation process is done in the booth with technical assistance. The interpreter interpreted the
number wrongly, and it caused confusion in the audience of the target language listener. But the
interpreter did not correct his mistake, because he was not aware of it. As it was an official meeting of
the governmental structures, the speaker of the host country blamed the interpreter among these
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
So as it seems that there are some fields that the mistakes cannot be accepted. For example, in
court translation one mistake can cause the wrong and unfair sentence for the convicted. And at the
same time, the mistakes in medical translation can cause the terrible ending for the sick. As a good
example for medical translation errors we can say the mistranslated manual and instruction, In
Germany, the manual was translated wrongly and there were 47 badly implanted knee prostheses.
However, on the manual it was written the prostheses to be with cement. The translator translated the
text without cement. But the translation is easier than interpretation in terms of correcting the mistakes.
Because in interpretation the time is limited and the interpreter has a very short time to correct his
mistakes. Unlike the interpreting, in translation the mistakes are visible and notable, and a translator
has a chance to go back and rectify the mistakes.
In addition to the mistakes, there are also other problems. One of them is not knowing the word
and its equivalence in the target language. So what to do if it happens to the interpreter and translator?
In interpretation, if this word is not important it is better to pass it. But what about if it is important, so
it causes challenges for an interpreter. Of course, the most important part is to understand and deliver
the main idea. In case of not to come across this dilemma, the text to be interpreted should be acquired
beforehand to be familiar with the text and learn unknown terms. It is also the same in translation
process. The main idea should be delivered.
Qafqaz Universiteti
Qafqaz Universiteti
Müasir dünyada texnologiya avadanlıqlarının, o cümlədən İKT-nın gündəlik həyatımızın ayrılmaz
hissəsinə çevrilməsi danılmaz faktdır və bu, demək olar ki, bütün sahələrdə aşkar şəkildə özünü biruzə
verir. Təhsil, istehsalat, sənayə sahələrində informasiya texnologiylarının geniş miqyasda istifadə
olunması öz müsbət nəticələrini verməkdədir. Tərcümə sahəsi də təbii ki, istisna deyil və bütün
sahələrdəki inkişaf ondan da yan keçə bilməz.
İKT-lərin və digər avadanlıqların tərcümə üçün istifadə olunması müxtəlif formalarda
mümkündür: sinxron tərcümə üçün müasir avadanlıqların təkmilləşməsi və müxtəlif imkanların (səsin
yaddaşda qalması, qulaqlığın bir tərəfindən natiqin, bir tərəfindən mütərcimin öz səsini eşitməsi, relay
imknaları və s.) təklif olunması, maşın tərcüməsi sahəsində nailiyyətlərin artırılması, geniş kütlə üçün
dil öyrədən saytaların təkmilləşib təqdim edilməsini bunlara misal göstərə bilərik. Artıq kompüter
tərcümə programlarının öyrənilməsinin əhəmiyyəti artdığı üçün ali təhsil müəssəslərində bu dərs
məcburi fənn olaraq tədris edilir. Xüsusi ilə qeyd olunmalıdır ki son vaxtlarda internet vasitəsi ilə
tərcümə saytlarının sayında da artım müşahidə olunur ki, bu da öz növbəsində insanlar üçün geniş
imkanlar təqdim edir.
Qlobal internet şəbəkəsində çox sayda dil öyrədici səhifələrə rastlamaq olar: babbel.com,
italki.com, rosettastone.com, memrise.com və s. Bütün bu saytların yanaşmaları fərqli olsa da ortaq
cəhətidil öyrətməni müəyyən ödəniş qarşılığında etmələridir. Adətən ilk sadə dərslər pulsuz olur.
Bunları öyrənən oxucu daha sonra qalan dərsləri alıb almamağa qərar verir.
Kütlə qaynaqlı layihə olan Duolingo.com səhifəsi isə dil öyrətmə məsələsinə tamamilə fərqli
yanaşmışdır. İlk əvvəl onu qeyd edək ki, Duolingoda bütün dərslər pulsuzdur. Bu dərslər ağac
formasında düzülüb və sadədən mürəkkəbə doğru vahidlərə bölünmüşdür. Səhifə ilk dəfə fəaliyyətə
başladığı 2012-ci ildə ingilis dilini bilənlər üçün Alman, Fransız, İspan dili kursları yeni yaradılırdı.
Amma daha sonra bura başqa dillər də əlavə olundu. Həmçinin səhifənin platforması artıq müxtəlif
dillərdə fəaliyyət göstərir (Yunan, Polşa, Macar və s). Artıq məsələn rus dilini bilənlər üçün alman və
ingilis dili, türk dilini bilənlər üçün yenə alman və ingilis dili və s. kurslar vardır. Əlbətdə burada
üstünlük təşkil edən avropa dilləridir. Amma Asiya (Yapon, Çin, Koreya) və Afrika (Svaxili) dilləri də