“Uchinchi renessans: ilm-fan va ta’lim taraqqiyoti istiqbollari” ISSN 2181-1784 219
w www.oriens.uz 2021 December JADID MATBUOTINING MILLIY MATBUOT SIFATIDA SHAKLLANISHI Nasirova Nilufar Norqulovna Respublika ixtisoslashtirilgan dizayn maktabi tarix fani ikkinchi toifali o'qituvchisi ANNOTATSIYA Ushbu ishda jadid matbuotining shakllanishidagi o‘ziga xos xususiyatlari hamda zamonaviy o‘zbek matbuoti shakllanishida jadid matbuotining o‘rni va roli tahlil qilinadi. Tadqiqotda jadidlarning matbuot sohasida muayyan bilim va ko‘nikmaga ega bo‘lganlikdari va mazkur sohani rivojlantirishga alohida e’tibor berganliklari yoritiladi. Kalit so’zlar: jadid, ma’rifatparvarlik, gazeta, jurnal, matbuot, ozodlik harakati, Turkiston, sho‘ro tuzumi, milliy g‘oya. FORMATION OF JADID PRESS AS A NATIONAL PRESS Nasirova Nilufar Norkulovna Second category teacher of history at the Republican Specialized Design School ABSTRACT This work analyzes the peculiarities of the formation of the Jadid press and the role of the Jadid press in the formation of the modern Uzbek press. The study notes that the Jadids have a certain knowledge and skills in the field of journalism and pay special attention to the development of this field. Keywords: jadid, enlightenment, newspaper, magazine, press, liberation movement, Turkestan, soviet system, national idea. СТАНОВЛЕНИЕ ДЖАДИДСКОЙ ПРЕССЫ КАК НATSIОНАЛЬНОЙ ПРЕССЫ