Avanzade Mehmed Süleyman ve Sağlıkla İlgili Eserleri
Avanzade Mehmed Süleyman and His Works on Health
M.Bedizel AYDIN*
Doç. Dr., Sakarya Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi, Felsefe Bölümü,
Bilim Tarihi Anabilim Dalı, Sakarya
Yüksek Lisans Öğrencisi, Sakarya Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü,
Felsefe Bölümü, Sakarya
Telif ve tercüme eserleriyle bilim, sağlık, kültür ve edebiyat hayatımızda önemli
bir yeri olan Avanzade Mehmed Süleyman (1871-1922), Darülfünun Tıp Fakültesi
Eczacı Mektebinden mezundur.
Öğrenciliğinden itibaren çeşitli gazete ve dergilerde değişik konularda makaleleri
yayımlanmış; mezuniyetinden sonra da sürdürdüğü bu çalışmaların yanısıra
Musavver Terakki, Afiyet, Güzel Prenses gibi dergilerin yayın yönetmenliğini
üstlenmiş; ilk kadın yıllığı olan Nevsal-i Nisvan’ı çıkarmış; ayrıca tıbbi konulardan
folklora, askerlikten tarihe, sihirbazlıktan rüya tabirine, yemek tarifinden astrolo-
jiye, edebiyattan dile kadar çok çeşitli alanlarda telif - tercüme eserler kaleme
Sağlıkla ilgili olarak Mide Hastalıkları, Tifüs ya da Lekeli Humma gibi eserlerin
yanısıra kadın, erkek ve gençleri ilgilendiren cinsel sağlık konuları üzerinede
yazmıştır: Kadın Hastalıklarından Seyelan-ı Ebyaz, Meme Hıfzüssıhhası, Kısır
Kadınlar, Yalnız Erkeklere Mahsus Adem-i İktidar, Bel Soğukluğu, Gençlerde
İstimna Bi’l-Yed, Ergenlik; Gençlere Mahsus Hastalıklar bunlardan bazılarıdır.
Ayrıca Rehber-i Muamelat-ı Zevciye, Yeni, Mükemmel, Son Rehber-i İzdivac,
Alman Usuliyle Çocuk Yetiştirmek gibi evlilik ve aileyle ilgili kitaplar da kaleme
almıştır. Kadın ve kadın sağlığı bilhassa üzerinde durduğu bir konudur. Bu sebeple
doğrudan kadın sağlığını ilgilendiren tıbbi konuların yanında Kızlara ve Hanımlara
Jimnastik gibi kadın sağlığına dolaylı olarak temas eden eserleri de bulunmaktadır.
Avanzade bu eserleriyle, o dönemde rahat konuşulamayan konular üzerinde
aydınlatıcı tıbbi bilgiler vererek halkı eğitmeye çalışmıştır.
Bu tebliğde Avanzade Mehmed Süleyman’ın bilhassa sağlık alanındaki eserleri
değerlendirilerek bu alanda yapmış olduğu katkılar üzerinde tespit edilmeye
Avanzade Mehmed Suleyman, who has an important place in our science, health,
culture and literature life with his original and translation works, was graduated
from Darulfunun Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy School.
From the beginning of his studentship, he published many articles on different
subjects in several journals and newspapers. After his graduation, while continuing
such works, he also became the executive editor of the journals such as Musavver
Terakki, Afiyet, and Güzel Prenses. He published the first woman annual Nevsal-i
Nisvan. Moreover, he indited many original and translation works on medical
subjects, folklore, military science, history, witchcraft, dream interpretation,
recipes, astrology, literature, and language.
In the field of medicine, he wrote books such as Mide Hastalıkları and Tifüs ya da
Lekeli Humma. In addition to these, he wrote books on the subjects of sexual health
related to women, men, and teenagers. Some of them are Kadın Hastalıklarından
Seyelan-ı Ebyaz, Meme Hıfzüssıhası, Kısır Kadınlar, Yalnız Erkeklere Mahsus
Adem-i İktidar, Bel Soğukluğu, and Gençlerde İstimna Bi’l-Yed, Ergenlik;
Gençlere Mahsus Hastalıklar. Besides, he indited books on marriage and family
such as Rehber-i Muamelat-ı Zevciye, Yeni, Mükemmel, Son Rehber-i İzdivac and
Alman Usuliyle Çocuk Yetiştirmek. Woman and woman health are among his
special interests. For this reason, in addition to the medical subjects directly related
to woman health, he had some works indirectly related to it such as Kızlara ve
Hanımlara Jimnastik.
In this paper, it will be tried to determine the contributions of Avanzade Mehmed
Suleyman in the field health, reviewing his works on this field.
Tıp’ta ve Genelde Ahlâki Olmanın Ortak Ölçütü Var mı?
- Dr.Girne Amerikan Üniversitesi. Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi. Hemşirelik
Okulu. Öğretim Görevlisi.
Bütün zamanlar ve mekânlar için geçerli bir tek ahlâk tanımı yoktur denilir.
Bilindiği gibi batı felsefesi, İmmanuel Kant’ı özellikle ahlâk konusunda,
bir dönüm noktası olarak kabul eder. Bu kabulün altında, Kant’ın eylemin şeklinin
değil, içeriğinin ahlâki olması ile ilgili önermesi yatır. Kant’ın söz konusu öner-
meyi, Spinoza’dan aktardığı, bir sır değil. Öte yandan, Frankfurt Okulu
düşünürlerinden Walther Benjamin’in de İmmanel Kant’tan aktararak, aynı öner-
meyi, sol felsefeye de aktardığını biliyoruz: “ Eylemin ahlâk normuna uyması,
yetmez! Ahlâk normu için yapılmış olması da gerekir!”
Bu çalışma, ahlâk felsefenin dinlerle bağlantısına dikkat çekecektir.
Bu bakımdan, Spinoza’nın Musevi, Kant’ın ise “ İsevi” din adamları
olmaları, insanı şaşırtmıyor.
İlgi çekici olan, Batı Felsefesi’ne 17-18. Yy’larda giren bu ahlâki
ölçütünün, Hz. Muhammet’in hadisleri arasından beşleyerek, doğu felsefesinde çok
daha eskiden beri var olmasıdır. “Ameller, niyetlere göredir!”
İtiraf etmeliyim ki bu konuda beni uyaran, Bektaşi postnişini Hamdullah
Çelebi olmuştur. 1832’de Tokat Şer’i mahkemesindeki savunması esnasında,
Çelebi aynı ölçüyü, elbette Kant’tan değil, Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli’den aktararak
Günümüzde ahlâkın zaman ve zemine göre belirlendiğini söylüyoruz ama
bütün dinler, düşünceler, ülkeler ve zamanlarda genel kabul gören bir ahlâk ilkesi de
“Ahlâki olan, iyi olandır! Ama bu yetmez, iyi için de yapılmış olması
There is no single definition of morality valid for all times and places .
As is known, Immanuel Kant, regarded as a major figure and the turning point for
moral principles in the Western philosophy.
Under this assumption, the principle of Kant's moral action determines not the
moral content but the emphasis in the moral proposition.It's not a secret that Kant
quoted this proposition
in question, from Spinoza.On the other hand, prominent thinker of the Frankfurt
School, Walter Benjamin ,transferred the same philosophical impact from Kant, to
the left-wing political philosophy.
"Action, that is comply with the norms of morality, is not enough! Principle of
action,should also be made for moral norms !"
This study will draw attention to the connection of ethics with religion.
In this respect, Spinoza's Jewish and Kant's "Christian" cleric personalities does not
surprise people.
Interestingly,even though these moral criteria entered in Western Philosophy in
17-18 Century; feeding from hadiths of Hz. Muhammad all that exists in teachings
and practice of Eastern Philosophy since time immemorial.
“Deeds are according to intentions!"
I must admit ,it was Chalabi Hamdullah from Bektashi dargah who first warned
me about it.During the defense of Shariah court in Tokat 1832, Chalabi, passed the
same measures referring of course not from Kant; but Haci Bektas-i Veli.
Today, we say that morality determined by the time and place but also in all
religions, thoughts, countries, and at times there is a generally accepted principles
of morality!
"Morally good it is not enough that it should conform the need to be done for
Ibn Tufayl’s Urjuza fi al tibb (Poem on Medicine): Unique
Manuscript at Al Quarawiyin Library of Fez
Mohammed El Abkari, Karima EL RHAZI , Mohammed Elbiaze, Fatima
Ezzahra MERNISSI, Mohammed BERRAHO, Tazi FADL, Faouzi BELAH-
SEN, Abdelilah SBAI, Tarik SQUALLI, Afaf AMARTI, Chakib NEJJARI,
Sidi Adil IBRAHIMI, Moulay Hassan FARIH.
*Professor of general surgery
Member of Heritage committee of medical school of Fez
Allal Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco.
Email: benjelloun19@gmail.com
Literary expression has always excited Arabs’s admiration, which is moved by
spoken or written words. Poetry is indeed considered along with calligraphy and
architecture one of the major Islamic art forms. Among the different genres of
Arabic poetry, didactic verses were devoted to supply an approachable and simply
remembered epitome of a particular field of knowledge. These didactic poems were
largely popular in Medieval literature and were generally written in rajaz verse, a
metre employed in Arabic poetry, which is a kind of iambic metre whose pattern of
syllabic repetitions produces a jingling sound that is particularly easy to remember.
medical treatises, as well as essays on other subjects such as astronomy,
agriculture, grammar, hippology etc. were written in verses to help learners imprint
basic notions in their mind.
The best known medieval Arabic didactic medical poem was the Urjuza fi al tibb
(Poem on medicine), written in rajaz verse by Abū‘Alī al-Husayn ibn ‘Abd Allāh
Ibn Sīnā, known in Europe as Avicenna.
Many other authors wrote didactic poems on various medical topics, as the case of
the 14th century vizier of Granada Ibn al-Khaṭīb, also known as Lisān al-Dīn,
whose poem in rajaz verse al-Manz ūmah fī al-ṭibb (The Poem on Medicine) refers
to diseases of different parts of the body and their treatment, beginning with head-
The 12th century Arab physician, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Abd al-Malik ibn
Muhammad ibn Tufail al-Qaisi al-Andalusi known in Europe with the latinized
name of Abubacer, wrote a “rajaz poem on Medicine” containing many informa-
tions about diagnosis and therapeutics, which may shed considerable light also on
other areas of medical history. Following the traditional head-to-foot arrangement,
he composed a work in seven discours and over 250 chapters; the extant text
extends to over 7700 verses; this unique manuscript is saved in the Al Quarawiyin
Library of Fez under N° 1969.
Certainly Ibn Tufayl is best known today for his philosophical novel “ Havy Ibn
Yaqzzam, (Alive Son of Awake)”, which is told to have inspired Daniel Defoe’s
“Robinson Crusoe” , but it’s clear reading his medical treatise, that Ibn Tufayl had
a deep knowledge of anatomy and disease because of the accuracy of his descrip-
Tıp’ta ve Genelde Ahlâki Olmanın Ortak Ölçütü Var mı?
- Dr.Girne Amerikan Üniversitesi. Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi. Hemşirelik
Okulu. Öğretim Görevlisi.
Bütün zamanlar ve mekânlar için geçerli bir tek ahlâk tanımı yoktur denilir.
Bilindiği gibi batı felsefesi, İmmanuel Kant’ı özellikle ahlâk konusunda,
bir dönüm noktası olarak kabul eder. Bu kabulün altında, Kant’ın eylemin şeklinin
değil, içeriğinin ahlâki olması ile ilgili önermesi yatır. Kant’ın söz konusu öner-
meyi, Spinoza’dan aktardığı, bir sır değil. Öte yandan, Frankfurt Okulu
düşünürlerinden Walther Benjamin’in de İmmanel Kant’tan aktararak, aynı öner-
meyi, sol felsefeye de aktardığını biliyoruz: “ Eylemin ahlâk normuna uyması,
yetmez! Ahlâk normu için yapılmış olması da gerekir!”
Bu çalışma, ahlâk felsefenin dinlerle bağlantısına dikkat çekecektir.
Bu bakımdan, Spinoza’nın Musevi, Kant’ın ise “ İsevi” din adamları
olmaları, insanı şaşırtmıyor.
İlgi çekici olan, Batı Felsefesi’ne 17-18. Yy’larda giren bu ahlâki
ölçütünün, Hz. Muhammet’in hadisleri arasından beşleyerek, doğu felsefesinde çok
daha eskiden beri var olmasıdır. “Ameller, niyetlere göredir!”
İtiraf etmeliyim ki bu konuda beni uyaran, Bektaşi postnişini Hamdullah
Çelebi olmuştur. 1832’de Tokat Şer’i mahkemesindeki savunması esnasında,
Çelebi aynı ölçüyü, elbette Kant’tan değil, Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli’den aktararak
Günümüzde ahlâkın zaman ve zemine göre belirlendiğini söylüyoruz ama
bütün dinler, düşünceler, ülkeler ve zamanlarda genel kabul gören bir ahlâk ilkesi de
“Ahlâki olan, iyi olandır! Ama bu yetmez, iyi için de yapılmış olması
There is no single definition of morality valid for all times and places .
As is known, Immanuel Kant, regarded as a major figure and the turning point for
moral principles in the Western philosophy.
Under this assumption, the principle of Kant's moral action determines not the
moral content but the emphasis in the moral proposition.It's not a secret that Kant
quoted this proposition
in question, from Spinoza.On the other hand, prominent thinker of the Frankfurt
School, Walter Benjamin ,transferred the same philosophical impact from Kant, to
the left-wing political philosophy.
"Action, that is comply with the norms of morality, is not enough! Principle of
action,should also be made for moral norms !"
This study will draw attention to the connection of ethics with religion.
In this respect, Spinoza's Jewish and Kant's "Christian" cleric personalities does not
surprise people.
Interestingly,even though these moral criteria entered in Western Philosophy in
17-18 Century; feeding from hadiths of Hz. Muhammad all that exists in teachings
and practice of Eastern Philosophy since time immemorial.
“Deeds are according to intentions!"
I must admit ,it was Chalabi Hamdullah from Bektashi dargah who first warned
me about it.During the defense of Shariah court in Tokat 1832, Chalabi, passed the
same measures referring of course not from Kant; but Haci Bektas-i Veli.
Today, we say that morality determined by the time and place but also in all
religions, thoughts, countries, and at times there is a generally accepted principles
of morality!
"Morally good it is not enough that it should conform the need to be done for
Ibn Tufayl’s Urjuza fi al tibb (Poem on Medicine): Unique
Manuscript at Al Quarawiyin Library of Fez
Mohammed El Abkari, Karima EL RHAZI , Mohammed Elbiaze, Fatima
Ezzahra MERNISSI, Mohammed BERRAHO, Tazi FADL, Faouzi BELAH-
SEN, Abdelilah SBAI, Tarik SQUALLI, Afaf AMARTI, Chakib NEJJARI,
Sidi Adil IBRAHIMI, Moulay Hassan FARIH.
*Professor of general surgery
Member of Heritage committee of medical school of Fez
Allal Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco.
Email: benjelloun19@gmail.com
Literary expression has always excited Arabs’s admiration, which is moved by
spoken or written words. Poetry is indeed considered along with calligraphy and
architecture one of the major Islamic art forms. Among the different genres of
Arabic poetry, didactic verses were devoted to supply an approachable and simply
remembered epitome of a particular field of knowledge. These didactic poems were
largely popular in Medieval literature and were generally written in rajaz verse, a
metre employed in Arabic poetry, which is a kind of iambic metre whose pattern of
syllabic repetitions produces a jingling sound that is particularly easy to remember.
Numerous medical treatises, as well as essays on other subjects such as astronomy,
agriculture, grammar, hippology etc. were written in verses to help learners imprint
basic notions in their mind.
The best known medieval Arabic didactic medical poem was the Urjuza fi al tibb
(Poem on medicine), written in rajaz verse by Abū‘Alī al-Husayn ibn ‘Abd Allāh
Ibn Sīnā, known in Europe as Avicenna.
Many other authors wrote didactic poems on various medical topics, as the case of
the 14th century vizier of Granada Ibn al-Khaṭīb, also known as Lisān al-Dīn,
whose poem in rajaz verse al-Manz ūmah fī al-ṭibb (The Poem on Medicine) refers
to diseases of different parts of the body and their treatment, beginning with head-
The 12th century Arab physician, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Abd al-Malik ibn
Muhammad ibn Tufail al-Qaisi al-Andalusi known in Europe with the latinized
name of Abubacer, wrote a “rajaz poem on Medicine” containing many informa-
tions about diagnosis and therapeutics, which may shed considerable light also on
other areas of medical history. Following the traditional head-to-foot arrangement,
he composed a work in seven discours and over 250 chapters; the extant text
extends to over 7700 verses; this unique manuscript is saved in the Al Quarawiyin
Library of Fez under N° 1969.
Certainly Ibn Tufayl is best known today for his philosophical novel “ Havy Ibn
Yaqzzam, (Alive Son of Awake)”, which is told to have inspired Daniel Defoe’s
“Robinson Crusoe” , but it’s clear reading his medical treatise, that Ibn Tufayl had
a deep knowledge of anatomy and disease because of the accuracy of his descrip-
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