Islamic Approach in Palliative Care: Supportive Integrated
Complementary Alternative Medicine
Dr.M.Sc [Life Science] M.F.A.M [Ayu] F.I.I.M [Ayu]
M.D.[Drayuguna]Professor &HOD Dravyuguna Department YMT Ayurvedic
Medical College Kharghar Navi Mumbai
The teaching of Islam covers all field of human activity Medical , Spiritual and
material , Individual and Social ,Educational Cultural ,Economic and Political
National and International It is only health which ensure the proper functioning of
human activities ,mortality , faith and knowledge Infect physical health is the basic
factor in development of mind Health is not omly a great blessing of Allah but also
a valuable trust from the Almighty Allah Abu-Dhahabi said “Medical treatment is
sunna” because the Prophet [SAAS] did it and ordered that it should be done
Teaching of prophet Hazrzt Muhammad [SAAS] a great change in attitude toward
the disease and made great advance in medical science Palliative care has
brought new dimensions in health care and it is relatively new medical discipline
Palliative means caring for some one who may not get better , but who is neverthe-
less not at the death ‘s door and may live for many years Islamic etiquette for
patient will be helpful in palliative care in terminal ill patient Virtues taken Holy
Prophet Hazrat Mummhod [P.B.U.H] nursing and visiting the sick is compulsory
[Farz] in case when sick patient is about to die for want of care and attention . I t
is Farz e kafaya [[compulsory on the community as whole In the case of pressing
need of nursing if one Muslim performs this nursing at the time of die need the
whole community is abosuled from the responsibilities but none of them taken
care of the patients the entire body of Muslim community will be responsible and
suffer from the sin thus committed Nursing and visiting the patient is Suunat Many
people needing palliative care looked after in their home A modern ‘hospic move-
ment ‘ was functioning separately from the hospital system This movement has
evolved into palliative medicine giving ‘total care ‘ to the patient Complementary
therapies have become increasingly since 1980 with growing number of the general
public and nursing profession becoming aware of alternative and complementary
method which can be beneficial to the patient or terminal care one of the comple-
mentary therapy is aromatherapy massage and touch therapy which help people
faced terminal ill have enjoyed a quality of life better than they might other wise
have been experienced.
History of Medicine at the Oldest University in the World, Al
Qaraouiyine University, Fez, Morocco.
Karima EL RHAZI*
Chakib NEJJARI, El Bachir BENJELLOUN, Mohammed El Abkari,
Mohammed Elbiaze, Fatima Ezzahra MERNISSI, Mohammed BERRAHO,
Tazi FADL, Faouzi BELAHSEN, Abdelilah SBAI, Tarik SQUALLI, Afaf
AMARTI, Sidi Adil IBRAHIMI, Moulay Hassan FARIH.
*M.D.Ph.D.Professor of communal medicine
Member of Heritage committee of Medical School of Fez
Allal Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco.
Founded in 859 and located in Fez (Morocco), Al Qaraouiyine University still
active, is the oldest university in the world. The medical education began at the
university with the Idrissy dynasty, a few years after the construction of Fez town,
transposing Eastern medicine in Morocco. During the XI - XIII century, the medical
history of Morocco and the Muslim Spain has been marked by numerous training
travels of doctors in both sides, Among them: Avenzoar (Ibn Zuhr ) , Avenpasse (Ibn
Baja) , Averroes (Ibn Rushd ) and Ibn Tofail and Ibn Khatib. The teaching of medi-
cine at Al Qaraouine University reached moments of glory at the Mérinide period
ranging from 1269 to 1465. The University delivered Ijaza (diplomas) to its
students. The first medical degree was issued in 1207 to Abu abdillah alkoutami.
The members of the jury were: Ibn Al Bytar, Al Ichbili and Annabati.
From the middle of seventheen century, scientific progress continues his develop-
ment. During this period, Alaouite king Moulay Errachid attended medical courses
at the University and encouraged research by providing students with scholarships.
From 1823, Morocco has experienced a period of unrest. Medicine will soon sink
into the most total decline. Al Qaraouiyine University stopped teaching medicine
and the last diploma was awarded by the university in 1893.
In conclusion, the Islamic world through the University of AlQaraouiyine, knew
a very developed medicine, inherited from the former and perfected during many
centuries by the Muslims. Unfortunately, our current scientific and medical produc-
tion is not up to this history. Thus, it is time when our history should push us to a
dynamic and harvest work, allowing us to forge ahead as made before in other so
prestigious universities as Al Qaraouiyine like Oxford, heidenberg and others.
El- Kanun fi’t Tıbb’ın 1000. Yılında İbn-i Sina’nın Milliyeti
ile İlgili Devam Eden Tartışmalar Hakkında…
About the Ongoing Discussions of Avicenna’s Nationality on
the 1000th Year of El- Kanun fi’t Tıbb
Çağrı Zeybek ÜNSAL, Nüket Örnek BÜKEN*
**Prof.Dr.Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
Tıp Tarihi ve Etik Anabilim Dalı
Hacettepe Biyoetik Merkezi
06100 Sıhhiye - Ankara/ Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Nüket Örnek Büken:
Çağrı Zeybek Ünsal:
Bilindiği üzere Batı’ da Hekimlerin Prensi “Avicenna” olarak anılan İbn-i Sina ile
ilgili dünya literatüründe pek çok makale yazılmıştır. İbn- i Sina’ nın Türk mü yoksa
İranlı mı olduğu konusundaki tartışmalar günümüze kadar süregelmiştir. Sosyal
bilimler açısından yapılan çalışmalara bakıldığında İbn-i Sina’ nın 980’de Buhara
yakınlarında Afşana Köyü’nde doğmuş olması ve o dönem o bölgede Türk
hükümetlerinin hakim olması, Ali Emiri Kütüphanesi’nde 685 numaradaki yazma
eserde varak 219 a’da Türkçe bir şiir yazmış olması ve İbn- i Sina’ nın kafatası
incelenerek antropolojik karakterinin Alpli insan (homo alpinus) olduğunun tespit
edilmiş olması gibi nedenler İbn-i Sina’ nın Türk olduğuna dair birer kanıt olarak
gösterilmiştir. Aynı zamanda Ord. Prof. Dr. Şevket Aziz Kansu tarafından 1970
yılında İbn-i Sina’ nın kafatasının bir fotoğrafı üzerinden yapılan antropolojik
çalışma sonucunda, İbn-i Sina’ nın Türk olduğuna 1976 yılındaki bildirisinde yer
verilmiştir. Öte yandan, İbn-i Sina’ nın yaşadığı dönemde bilim dilinin Arapça
olması ve İbn- i Sina’ nın Hamedan’ da 1037 yılında ölmüş olması İbn- i Sina’ nın
İranlı olduğunun kabulü için yeterli görülmemiş ve tartışılmıştır.
Bu çalışmamızda İbn-i Sina’ nın yüzünün neye benzediğine ilişkin 2014 yılında
yapılan bir yeniden yüzlendirme çalışması, uzman görüşleri ile birlikte
değerlendirilmiş, yeniden yüzlendirme ile ortaya çıkarılan İbn-i Sina’ nın resmi
dikkate alınarak, farklı yöntemler kullanıldığında aynı sonucun elde edilip
edilemeyeceği tartışılmıştır.
“Kanun” un 1000. Yılını kutladığımız bu yıl bu tartışmaları gündeme getirmek ve
açıklamak arzusundayız.
It is well known that there are many articles in the literature related to Avicenna who
is also known as “The prince of Physicians” in Western Culture.It has been
discussed for many years and yet even today is still a point of dispute whether
Avicenna is a Persian or a Turk. For a long time Ibni Sina was considered an Arab,
at the present the most widely accepted opinion seems to be that he is Iranian. The
contemporary Turkish scholars consider him to be a Turk.
According to the findings of social studies about Avicenna, it has determined that
there are evidence about the nationality of Avicenna. Borning in a village of Afşana
near Bukhara,Turkish governments’ sovereignty during his life time period in that
geographical area, having a Turkish poem written in a book 685no, 219a at the Ali
Emiri Library, Avicenna’s skull which has an antropological character just as
Alpine people (homo alpinus) have all been shown as evidences for Avicenna being
a Turk. He has also been mentioned as a Turk in a presentation of Prof. Dr. Şevket
Aziz Kansu in 1976 according to his antropological studies on the photograph of
Avicenna’s skull that was obtained in 1970s. On the other hand, the facts that Arabic
was used during his lifetime period as a scientific language, and that he died in 1037
in Hamedan was not found to be sufficient to conclude that he was a Persian and
thus has been discussed for years.
In this study, a facial reconstruction study of Avicenna’s skull that was completed in
2014, together with expert opinions were evaluated in order to define if it is possible
or not to draw the same picture when different methods were used.
Since we are celebrating the thousandth year of El-Kanun fi't-Tıbb this year, we
would like to remind and explain these discussions mentioned above.
Makkah and Medicine in the Late 19th Century from A
Malay Medical Treatise.
Mohd AffendI Mohd SHAFRI
Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences, International Islamic University Malay-
sia, 25200 Kuantan, Malaysia
Makkah has a central role in Islamic civilization as a centre of pilgrimage, migra-
tion, trade as well as learning. Despite this, not much was written and known of the
history of medicine of the city which was once home to important figures in Islamic
medical history such as Dawud al-Antaki. Makkah’s medical history remains
patchy and text with special mention of Meccan medical practitioner, facility and
available medicine is generally non-existent. In this light, a Malay medical treatise,
Tayyibul Ihsan, could be considered special. It was written in the late 19th century
by Ahmad ibn Muhammad Zayn al-Fathani. The scholar was a Makkah resident-
scholar of Malay descent who possessed encyclopaedic knowledge of religious and
secular sciences and was highly regarded by the Ottoman authority of his time.
Although the treatise was written with his Malay people in mind, it also provides
some insight into his medical practice and learning while residing in Makkah. The
text contain cross-references to other medical corpuses to which the author must
have had easy access to, either in his own rich private collection, or in other libraries
of Makkah. The author also noted down other aspects of his medical practices such
as the results of his experiments or observations with some medicines and interac-
tions he had with people in Makkah. More pertinently are his references to medi-
cines available in Makkah at that time, whether at home, the apothecaries or the
local markets. The text is also mentioned local Meccan disease-bearing animals and
animals useful in the production of medicine. Although it was not specifically a
work on medical history of Makkah, Tayyibul Ihsan presents us with a valuable
glimpse of the practice of medicine in Makkah at the end of the Ottoman period.
Keywords: Late Ottoman, Makkah, Malay medicine, Islamic medicine, medi-
cal text
El- Kanun fi’t Tıbb’ın 1000. Yılında İbn-i Sina’nın Milliyeti
ile İlgili Devam Eden Tartışmalar Hakkında…
About the Ongoing Discussions of Avicenna’s Nationality on
the 1000th Year of El- Kanun fi’t Tıbb
Çağrı Zeybek ÜNSAL, Nüket Örnek BÜKEN*
**Prof.Dr.Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
Tıp Tarihi ve Etik Anabilim Dalı
Hacettepe Biyoetik Merkezi
06100 Sıhhiye - Ankara/ Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Nüket Örnek Büken:
Çağrı Zeybek Ünsal:
Bilindiği üzere Batı’ da Hekimlerin Prensi “Avicenna” olarak anılan İbn-i Sina ile
ilgili dünya literatüründe pek çok makale yazılmıştır. İbn- i Sina’ nın Türk mü yoksa
İranlı mı olduğu konusundaki tartışmalar günümüze kadar süregelmiştir. Sosyal
bilimler açısından yapılan çalışmalara bakıldığında İbn-i Sina’ nın 980’de Buhara
yakınlarında Afşana Köyü’nde doğmuş olması ve o dönem o bölgede Türk
hükümetlerinin hakim olması, Ali Emiri Kütüphanesi’nde 685 numaradaki yazma
eserde varak 219 a’da Türkçe bir şiir yazmış olması ve İbn- i Sina’ nın kafatası
incelenerek antropolojik karakterinin Alpli insan (homo alpinus) olduğunun tespit
edilmiş olması gibi nedenler İbn-i Sina’ nın Türk olduğuna dair birer kanıt olarak
gösterilmiştir. Aynı zamanda Ord. Prof. Dr. Şevket Aziz Kansu tarafından 1970
yılında İbn-i Sina’ nın kafatasının bir fotoğrafı üzerinden yapılan antropolojik
çalışma sonucunda, İbn-i Sina’ nın Türk olduğuna 1976 yılındaki bildirisinde yer
verilmiştir. Öte yandan, İbn-i Sina’ nın yaşadığı dönemde bilim dilinin Arapça
olması ve İbn- i Sina’ nın Hamedan’ da 1037 yılında ölmüş olması İbn- i Sina’ nın
İranlı olduğunun kabulü için yeterli görülmemiş ve tartışılmıştır.
Bu çalışmamızda İbn-i Sina’ nın yüzünün neye benzediğine ilişkin 2014 yılında
yapılan bir yeniden yüzlendirme çalışması, uzman görüşleri ile birlikte
değerlendirilmiş, yeniden yüzlendirme ile ortaya çıkarılan İbn-i Sina’ nın resmi
dikkate alınarak, farklı yöntemler kullanıldığında aynı sonucun elde edilip
edilemeyeceği tartışılmıştır.
“Kanun” un 1000. Yılını kutladığımız bu yıl bu tartışmaları gündeme getirmek ve
açıklamak arzusundayız.
It is well known that there are many articles in the literature related to Avicenna who
is also known as “The prince of Physicians” in Western Culture.It has been
discussed for many years and yet even today is still a point of dispute whether
Avicenna is a Persian or a Turk. For a long time Ibni Sina was considered an Arab,
at the present the most widely accepted opinion seems to be that he is Iranian. The
contemporary Turkish scholars consider him to be a Turk.
According to the findings of social studies about Avicenna, it has determined that
there are evidence about the nationality of Avicenna. Borning in a village of Afşana
near Bukhara,Turkish governments’ sovereignty during his life time period in that
geographical area, having a Turkish poem written in a book 685no, 219a at the Ali
Emiri Library, Avicenna’s skull which has an antropological character just as
Alpine people (homo alpinus) have all been shown as evidences for Avicenna being
a Turk. He has also been mentioned as a Turk in a presentation of Prof. Dr. Şevket
Aziz Kansu in 1976 according to his antropological studies on the photograph of
Avicenna’s skull that was obtained in 1970s. On the other hand, the facts that Arabic
was used during his lifetime period as a scientific language, and that he died in 1037
in Hamedan was not found to be sufficient to conclude that he was a Persian and
thus has been discussed for years.
In this study, a facial reconstruction study of Avicenna’s skull that was completed in
2014, together with expert opinions were evaluated in order to define if it is possible
or not to draw the same picture when different methods were used.
Since we are celebrating the thousandth year of El-Kanun fi't-Tıbb this year, we
would like to remind and explain these discussions mentioned above.
Obstetrics and Gynecology in Islamic Medical Heritage as
Viewed by Ibn Sina in Comparison with our Recent Medical
Mohammad SHAYEB*
* Consultant Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Professor of Medical history and Ethics, Faculty of Medicine - Aleppo
University, Syria.
Member of the American Society of Reproductive medicine (ASRM).
Member of the International Society of History Of Islamic Medicine
Member of Middle East Fertility Society (MEFS).
Medicine is the real need to maintain healthy human being since old centuries;
beginning of the life.
Islamic civilization has flourished in different scientific fields, as Muslim physi-
cians paid much attention to medical sciences improving health of the human
Ibn Sina had left many important books in all sciences and his main important
medical book was Al Quanun Fi Al-Tip, which translated to many foreign
languages and was the essential medical encyclopedia in most medical schools in
Europe for more than four hundred years.
Ibn Sina was not ape to Hypocrites neither to Galen but he joined between the
two methods, attitudes and sciences, adding to them many of his own experiences
and experiments.
In this paper we highlight Ibn Sina importance in some interesting obstetrical
and gynecological cases comparatively with recent medical knowledge as:
immunological infertility, high risk pregnancies, obstructed labor (causes, signs,
symptoms, classifications, complications and managements), imperforated hymen,
inversion of uterus…
The aim of this paper is to improve the important role of many great Muslim
physicians like Ibn Sina and others in reserving, translating sciences, and adding
many theories, exploration, good ideas and opinions that led to expansion of the
horizon of science and added to it many useful advances in obstetrics and gynecol-
El- Kanun fi’t Tıbb’ın 1000. Yılında İbn-i Sina’nın Milliyeti
ile İlgili Devam Eden Tartışmalar Hakkında…
About the Ongoing Discussions of Avicenna’s Nationality on
the 1000th Year of El- Kanun fi’t Tıbb
Çağrı Zeybek ÜNSAL, Nüket Örnek BÜKEN*
**Prof.Dr.Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi
Tıp Tarihi ve Etik Anabilim Dalı
Hacettepe Biyoetik Merkezi
06100 Sıhhiye - Ankara/ Türkiye
Prof. Dr. Nüket Örnek Büken:
Çağrı Zeybek Ünsal:
Bilindiği üzere Batı’ da Hekimlerin Prensi “Avicenna” olarak anılan İbn-i Sina ile
ilgili dünya literatüründe pek çok makale yazılmıştır. İbn- i Sina’ nın Türk mü yoksa
İranlı mı olduğu konusundaki tartışmalar günümüze kadar süregelmiştir. Sosyal
bilimler açısından yapılan çalışmalara bakıldığında İbn-i Sina’ nın 980’de Buhara
yakınlarında Afşana Köyü’nde doğmuş olması ve o dönem o bölgede Türk
hükümetlerinin hakim olması, Ali Emiri Kütüphanesi’nde 685 numaradaki yazma
eserde varak 219 a’da Türkçe bir şiir yazmış olması ve İbn- i Sina’ nın kafatası
incelenerek antropolojik karakterinin Alpli insan (homo alpinus) olduğunun tespit
edilmiş olması gibi nedenler İbn-i Sina’ nın Türk olduğuna dair birer kanıt olarak
gösterilmiştir. Aynı zamanda Ord. Prof. Dr. Şevket Aziz Kansu tarafından 1970
yılında İbn-i Sina’ nın kafatasının bir fotoğrafı üzerinden yapılan antropolojik
çalışma sonucunda, İbn-i Sina’ nın Türk olduğuna 1976 yılındaki bildirisinde yer
verilmiştir. Öte yandan, İbn-i Sina’ nın yaşadığı dönemde bilim dilinin Arapça
olması ve İbn- i Sina’ nın Hamedan’ da 1037 yılında ölmüş olması İbn- i Sina’ nın
İranlı olduğunun kabulü için yeterli görülmemiş ve tartışılmıştır.
Bu çalışmamızda İbn-i Sina’ nın yüzünün neye benzediğine ilişkin 2014 yılında
yapılan bir yeniden yüzlendirme çalışması, uzman görüşleri ile birlikte
değerlendirilmiş, yeniden yüzlendirme ile ortaya çıkarılan İbn-i Sina’ nın resmi
dikkate alınarak, farklı yöntemler kullanıldığında aynı sonucun elde edilip
edilemeyeceği tartışılmıştır.
“Kanun” un 1000. Yılını kutladığımız bu yıl bu tartışmaları gündeme getirmek ve
açıklamak arzusundayız.
It is well known that there are many articles in the literature related to Avicenna who
is also known as “The prince of Physicians” in Western Culture.It has been
discussed for many years and yet even today is still a point of dispute whether
Avicenna is a Persian or a Turk. For a long time Ibni Sina was considered an Arab,
at the present the most widely accepted opinion seems to be that he is Iranian. The
contemporary Turkish scholars consider him to be a Turk.
According to the findings of social studies about Avicenna, it has determined that
there are evidence about the nationality of Avicenna. Borning in a village of Afşana
near Bukhara,Turkish governments’ sovereignty during his life time period in that
geographical area, having a Turkish poem written in a book 685no, 219a at the Ali
Emiri Library, Avicenna’s skull which has an antropological character just as
Alpine people (homo alpinus) have all been shown as evidences for Avicenna being
a Turk. He has also been mentioned as a Turk in a presentation of Prof. Dr. Şevket
Aziz Kansu in 1976 according to his antropological studies on the photograph of
Avicenna’s skull that was obtained in 1970s. On the other hand, the facts that Arabic
was used during his lifetime period as a scientific language, and that he died in 1037
in Hamedan was not found to be sufficient to conclude that he was a Persian and
thus has been discussed for years.
In this study, a facial reconstruction study of Avicenna’s skull that was completed in
2014, together with expert opinions were evaluated in order to define if it is possible
or not to draw the same picture when different methods were used.
Since we are celebrating the thousandth year of El-Kanun fi't-Tıbb this year, we
would like to remind and explain these discussions mentioned above.
Osmanlı Saraylarında Mutfak Kültürü
Gastronomy Culture in Ottoman Palaces
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