Tez özetleri Astronomi ve Uzay Bilimleri Anabilim Dalı

Investigation of Küçükçekmece (İstanbul) Sarmatian (Miocene) Fauna and Fish Otoliths

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Investigation of Küçükçekmece (İstanbul) Sarmatian (Miocene) Fauna and Fish Otoliths
The study area is consist of Çukurçeşme and Bakırköy formations which were deposited in a brackish facies setting during Late Miocene, exposed around Western shoreline of Küçükçekmece lake and Avcılar coastline. Late Miocene (Sarmatian) sedimentary units on the extension of southeastern branch of Paratethys, represents a different lito-bio facies with its rich biota. As similar with the all of the basins from Central Europe and Western Asia where the higher prevalence of Paratethys recorded, sedimentary units in the study area comprise of Sarmatian marker fossils, such as: Pelecypods - Congeria ornitopsis Brusina 1892, Mactra bulgarica Toula, Loripes (Lucina) dentatus (Basterot) (Emd. Papp 1974); microfossils: Quinqueloculina sarmatica Karrer 1877 (foraminifera); ostracods: Miocyprideis sarmatica (Zalanyı 1913), Fabaeformiscandona balotonica (Daday 1894) and numerous nannoflora taxa. New otolith records recovered during washing, screening and sorting methods composed of 16 families and 24 fish genus has updated the evidence of Sarmatian around the area. Fish otoliths from 8 Families were indentified from seven samples, each being 2kg. in weight, from Küçükçekmece shoreline as well as 9 families were indentified from three samples, each being 2kg. in weight, from Kalinoraburnu (Avcılar). Besides Clupeidae family, which is common in both area; Clupeidarum, Oligopus, Sparidarum genuses and 5 otolith species from Küçükçekmece Lake (N 40º 59′ 25,4″- E 028º 44′ 09,1″) and Sciaenidarum, Trachinus, Gobiidarum, Pomatoschistus otolith genus and 12 species from Kalinora Cape (N 40º 58′ 22,1″- E 28º 44′ 10,1″) were identified. The SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) photos of identified samples were taken and biomineral composition (aragonite) of otoliths from Gobiidae family and some other families in the samples were presented by XRD Diffraction Pattern experiment

Carboniferous limestones within Istanbul Paleozoic form the basement of the study area. Late Eocene Ceylan formation, which is made up of limestone and sandstone, unconformably overlains the basement, while the Oligocene Gürpınar formation, which is made up of sandstone and conglomerate, unconformably overlains Ceylan formation whilst, late Miocene sediments, so-called Çekmece group (Siyako, 2006), rests unconformably over the former. Çekmece group is composed of, respectively, Çukurçeşme formation which is made up of sandstone and conglomerate; Güngören formation which is represented by succession of mudstone, marn and sandstone, and finally Bakırköy formation, which is composed of limestone. At the top of the sequence, alluvium sediments rest unconformably on the whole units.

Danışman :Prof.Dr.Sinan ÖNGEN

Anabilim Dalı :Jeoloji Mühendisliği

Mezuniyet Yılı :2009

Tez Savunma Jürisi : Prof.Dr. Sinan ÖNGEN

Prof.Dr. Mefail YENİYOL

Prof.Dr.Timur USTAÖMER

Prof.Dr. Fahri ESENLİ

Doç.Dr. Mehmet KESKİN

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