Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
2) xəbəri buraxılmış yarımçıq cümlələrdə xəbər əvvəki cümlədə və ya kontekstdə olduğu halda
eliptik cümlələrdə buraxılmış xəbər əvəldən gələn cümlələrdə olmur, kontekstin ümumi məzmununa
əsasən aşkar edilir və bərpa olunur.
Dil ünsiyyət vasitəsi inkişaf və mübarizə üsulu kimi qeyd edilir. Ünsiyyət vasitəsi kimi dil dəqiq
,səlis və aydın olmalıdır. Nitq hadisəsi isə həm ictimailiyə həm də fərdiliyə meyl edir. Məhz ona görə
ellipsisə daha çox dildə yox nitqdə rast gəlinir.
Zarifa Kazimova
Qafqaz University
Esmer Mecidli
Qafqaz University
Indefinite pronouns which belong to modern English language are used to refer human beings
and objects that are not familiar with a speaker. There are some words which are shown below include
to a group of indefinite pronouns: some, any, somebody, anybody, someone, anyone, something,
anything, many, much, little, few. It is a fact that six of these pronouns are simple, the rest of them are
compound words. Indefinite compound pronouns are made by adding the words “body”, ”thing” and
“one” to the simple pronouns “some” and “any” :somebody, something, someone, anybody, anyone,
anything. In Modern English language two indefinite pronouns “some” and “any” constitute the main
part of these group. In fact, those words are the same by their lexical meaning. Presumably, both of
them express the same meaning: a few and after plural countable nouns follow both of these pronouns.
However the distinction between two them is in the way that they are used in our speech. “Some” is as
a principle, used in positive sentences, on the other hand, “any” is just used in interrogative and
negative sentences. For instance:
I have got some English books.
Mənim bir neçə İngilis dili kitablarım var.
Have you got any English books?
Sənin heç İngilis dili kitabların varmı?
I have not got any English books
Mənim heç İngilis dili kitablarım yoxdur.
Note: There is used “any” in conditional sentences. For instance, in this kind of sentences: - If
you have got any English books, show them to me, please. – Ingilis dilində bircə dənədə olsun kitabın
varsa, zəhmətolmasamənəgöstər.
When the pronouns “some” and “any” are used with uncountable nouns, they mean indefinite
quantity and are followed by a singular noun. For instance: - Go to the shop and buy some butter and
cheese. – Mağazaya get vəbirazyağ, biraz da pendir al. –Have you got any bread? – Heççörəyinvarmı?
–Now run and get some candy. Qaçbirazşirniyyat al.
Beside the general features which belong to the indefinite pronouns “some” and “any”, there are
also some special cases to differentiate them. These pronouns are shown below:
The indefinite pronoun “some” can be used in proper and general questions which are offered and
possessing request and suggestion features.
- Has she got some juice?
- Onunmeyvə suyu var?
- Does she wish some milk?
- O biraz süd istəyirmi?
- Where can I get some water?
- Birazsuharadanəldə edə bilərəm?
- Would you like some coffee ?
- Biraz qəhvə istərdinizmi ?
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
Indefinite article “any” sometimes can be used in positive sentences.In this case,it means “hər
bir” ,for example:
- You may come at any time you like
- Istədiyin vaxt gələ bilərsən.
- One can find this book now at any bookshop
- Bu kitabı istənilən kitab mağazasından tapmaq olar.
İndefinite pronoun “some” can be used in the meaning of “bəzi” in some contexts as a definite
pronoun, for instance: Some people like gossiping – Bəziadamlarqeybətetməyisevirlər.
İndefinite pronoun “some” is used in the meaning of “birhissə (si)” with using uncountable
- Some of the cheese was spoiled.
- Some of the bread are dry.
- Çörəyinbirhissəsiqurudur.
İndefinite pronouns “some” and “any” can be used both as a noun and as an adjective. As a noun,
they are used in the sentence in the place of a subject and an object,neverthelessas an adjective they
are used in the place of an attribute.For instance:
Some considered that he is a kind man.
Bəziləri hesab edir ki, o,mərhəmətli insandır.
- Give me a dictionary, please, I have not got any.
- Zəhmətolmasa, mənəbirlüğətver, mənimheçbirdənədəlüğətimyoxdu.
- İ will tell you someday, I have not really got any plans
- Bir gün sənə deyəcəm, mənim həqiqətən heç bir planım yoxdur.
As it has mentioned, somebody( kimsə),someone(bir kəs), something(nə isə), anybody(hər kim),
anything(bir şey), anyone(kim isə), are indefinite pronouns. Moreover out of these pronouns,
somebody,someone,anybody,anyone are used so as to indicate a person and they have two case forms :
General case form: (kimsə (somebody), hər kim (anybody),kim isə (anyone) və.s)
Possessive case form: (kimsənin(somebody’s), hər kimin(anybody’s), kim isənin(anyone’s))
On the other hand, the pronouns “something” and “anything” are used to indicate inanimate
objects. They barely have general case form. The features which have been mentioned above about
indefinite pronouns approximately belong to the compound indefinite pronouns that were made from
each of them. It means that like a pronoun “bəzi” the pronouns “kimsə, bir kəs,nəsə” are as a principle,
used in positive sentences. Otherwise like the pronoun “any” means “hər ,istənilən”, the pronouns
birkəs (anybody), hərkim (anyone), nəsə (anything) are used in interrogative and negative sentences.
İn general case, they are used to substitute a noun, but in possessive case are used to substitute an
adjective.As a noun, they are acted as a subject and also as an adjective, they are performed in the role
of an attribute:
Somebody knocked at the door. There is something else I noticed in your speech.
Kim isə qapını döydü.Sənin danışığında başqa bir şey sezdim.
İ did not know anything about beauty.
Mən gözəllik barəsində heç bir şey bilmirdim.
Like a noun,there is used a preposition in front of these words. In that case indefinite pronouns
substitute the function of an object used with preposition, for instance :
- Spend your money on something sensible, lad
- Oğlan, pulunu daha dəyərli şeylərə xərclə.
Here the expression “on something” is an object with a preposition that is substituted by an
indefinite pronoun. The pronouns somebody, anybody, something, anything, as a principle are
converted in Azerbaijani language as “kimsə, birkəs, nəsə (nəisə), birşey”. For instance:
Somebody is standing at the door – kimsə (kim isə) qapının ağzında dayanıb.
- İs there anybody in the class ? - Sinifdə bir kəs varmı ?
- There is something on the table,-Stolunüstundənəsə (nəisə) var.
- Was there anything in the bag? -Çantada bir şey varmı?
In negative sentences, anybody and anyone are translated into Azerbaijani language as “heçkim
(heçkəs), however anything is translated via “heçbirşey“,”heçnə” negative pronouns.
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
There was not anybody (anyone) in the bus – Avtobusdaheçkimyoxidi
There was not anything in the box -Qutudaheçbirşey (heçnə) yoxidi.
To conclude, some and any are the main parts of sentences which express quantity of things.
They are used when the speaker can not specify or does not need to specify an exact amount.
Qafqaz University
Culture is the factor which has a great influence on teaching/learning process particularly on
students’ oral participation. In the classroom teachers’ and students’/pupils culture have a great role.
What is culture? According to Lustig and Koester (1999) it is “a learned set of shared interpretations
about beliefs, values, and norms which affect the behaviors of a relatively large group of people” (p.
30). Orbe and Harris (2001) characterized culture as “Culture is learned and shared values, beliefs, and
behaviors common to a particular group of people; culture forges a group’s identity and assists in its
survival” (p. 6). It is seen from those definitions that culture is very important in communication.
According to Hall (1976) the context of the communication has three different features like physical,
social and psychological.
Hofstede (1980, p. 55) said that “individuals possess cognitive processes that are shaped by
culture and are expressed through the culture’s dominant values”. He provided four different
dimensions about cultural differences in classroom. The first one is power distance. The second
dimension by Hofstede is uncertainty avoidance. This dimension depends on many different things.
For instance, if the child is trained at home well to have a good discipline, she/he will not have any
problem. But everyone does not have the ideal discipline from their home because discipline does not
only depend on parents but friends as well. Some teachers are very strict towards the students’/pupils’
behaviors and some give them more freedom. So it can be generalized that for some teacher education
is the first goal and discipline is the second one. But for some teachers it is vice versa. Students/pupils
would be more active when they have some independence in the classroom and this is the great
advantage for students/pupils to be active orally because if a teacher is concerned manly with
discipline, his/her students would be passive. The third dimension is individualism-collectivism. So
according to Hofstede there are two different communities/societies/cultures – Individualistic and
collectivistic. The fourth dimension is masculinity-femininity. This is a very wide issue. In short in
some cultures men are responsible for financial issues and women are responsible for house work and
child caring. This influences school of course and generally male students/pupils are more active and
dominant in classrooms than female learners. In this case oral participation is more in the hands of
boys. That is why teachers should try to be equal to everyone.
Today classrooms are multicultural and teachers need great expertise to reach every child.
McAllister and Irvine (2000) suggest three challenges for teachers. The first one is identifying,
recognizing and accepting the people’s cultural rules and values. Some things may be seen very simple
in one’s culture but very important in another’s culture. They have to be taken into account. The
second stage is that teachers should be trained to know their own cultures and to respect others.
The third one is more difficult one. At this stage teachers have to be trained about their own
cultures and about others’ culture in order to make teachers aware of differences. This kind of
conversations may create hostility but every teacher has to understand that everyone has different
culture and beliefs and everyone should be respected. If a teacher cannot accept this, his/her class will
be a mess and students/pupils will be disappointed sometimes. That is why teachers’ first goal
(especially who teaches in intercultural classrooms) should be dealing with cultural issues and learning
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
more about different cultures and communities to have background information about his/her students’
/pupils’ cultures and beliefs.
To sum up, from all those works mentioned above it is obvious that if a teacher does not have any
background knowledge about cultures of his/her students/pupils , the teacher may not understand the
learners different level of involvement and may not create the positive classrooms for all.
Qafqaz Universiteti
The discourse analysis is a subject that deals with the study of the relations between the
language and the context that is used. Discourse Analysis is linguistic field and investigates the
languages and their relations. It appeared as a scientific field in 1960s and 1970s and spread in
different fields including linguistics, semiotics, anthropology, sociology, psychology. As a result of
the emergence of Discourse Analysis, translation has got its own repercussions effected by this area.
It is widely believed that Discourse Analysis and the language have a lot in common. So why is this
important to understand the relations between the language and Discourse Analysis? How does D.A.
help the linguistics process go smoothly?
Text is a passage, spoken or written, and it has a unified form. Context is an aspect of
linguistic reality that must be relevant to the communication. According to both terms, context shapes
the text and it also is shaped by the text. To understand context, social structure plays an important
role and gives clue to reader what is context is about. There is an interrelationship between language
and social structure: the diversities of linguistic usage are both products of social forces and linguistic
context. Therefore, context shapes the text and influenced by the text. There is interaction between
texts and contexts, and this is named as textualization. Textualization involves how the text is
perceived by the reader, it focuses on the percept of the coherence of text and its context.
In the textualization, cohesion and coherence are essential aspects. Without them it would be
very difficult to understand the text. Coherence is the interpretation of the text by the receiver.
Cohesion refers to the relations of meaning that exists within the text. A text might have coherence but
may not have cohesion. Look at the following example: “It is a must for every student to learn
English. English has a million words. I don’t like the dictionary and books. My book is in the shelf.
Looking at the shelf is very intriguing.”
As it can be seen from the text shown above, this text has cohesion, but it is not coherent.
Cohesion and coherence are culture-specific elements which might differ from one language to
another one. It is the burden on the reader to identify these culture specific elements in the source text
and, second, transfer them in the target language in a way that the message seems clear and
understandable; otherwise the perception would seem absurd and vague.
Understanding the ST materials is very essential for the reader. Some factors play an
important role while perceiving texts. As we mentioned above, discourse analysis has contributed to
the reader how to understand the text. Many scholars have used D.A in their studies and researches.
Researchers, who have looked at texts from discourse analysis point of view, consider discourse as a
socio-cultural environment in which communication is taken place. It is the job of the reader to
identify the socio-cultural environment of the ST and transfer the message to TT. The text should
seem fluent and accurate in terms of socio-cultural environment. So that the production changes its
place from its first socio-cultural environment into a completely different world of socio-cultural
context. It is really very hard to find a text isolated from socio-cultural life. So there is no text isolated
from socio-cultural life. If we want to be closer to the life of world of language user and to
communicate meaningfully regarding social, cultural or political issues, texts have to involve more
than organization and organizing procedures or simply support conventionality.
Qafqaz University 29-30 April 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan
The issue of genre has been always on the top agenda for linguistics. Every genre has its own
conventions and approaches, and according to them text types distinguish. So it is not enough to
determine the text only by words and structure. Different text types require various techniques and
strategies for the linguistics to make the product more efficient in conveying the intended message of
the source text into the target text. Another important fact is the interrelations of the texts and the
social circumstance in which they are produced. For a deep awareness of the texts, the worldview that
the author and the reader bring to the text and both situational and inter-textual must be considered.
CDA provides this opportunity to adopt a social perspective and critical thinking into investigation.
The main objective of D.A. is to discover and have a light into the hidden parts of the text. For this end
the receiver has to acquire the language with all its challenges.
Muhammet Mustafa GÜL
Qafqaz Universiteti
Aforizmlər və atalar sözləri böyük gücə malik olub və siyasətçilər də ta qədim dövrlərdən müasir
zamana qədər onları öz ritorikalarında effektiv işlətmişlər. XX əsrin siyasi atalar sözlərinə baxdıqda
Volfqanq Mider – atalar sözləri üzrə ekspert iktibas edilmiş bu kamil nümunələrin istənilən insan üçün
və ya istənilən məqsədlə istifadə edilməsinə xidmət etdiyini sübut edir.
Mider ilk olaraq Adolf Hitlerin Mənim mübarizəm (Mein Kampf) əsərini göstərir, haradakı
Führer Nasizmin ölümcül məqsədlərini müdafiə etmək üçün atalar sözlərindən istifadə edib. Hitlerin
ritorikasına qarşı olan Uiston Çörçil idi, kim ki, Miderin sübut etdiyinə görə bu dövrün istənilən siyasi
lideri kimi atalar sözleri bilmek cəhətdən istedadlı idi. O Amerikaya tərəf yaxınlaşır və Harri S.
Truman, kimin ki, atalar sözlərinə dayanan səlis İngiliscəsi ona insanların inamını artırdı.
Miderin yolu Soyuq Müharibə siyasətinin atalar sözlərinin kifayət qədər yaxşı işlədilməsinə
gətirdiyini zamanın karikaturalarıyla göstərir. O həmçinin iki atalar sözünün, biri yerli amerikanlara
qarşı olan (“Yeganə yaxşı hindli ölü hindlidir”) və digəri Asiyalı Amerikanlara qarşı olanın (“”)
mənşəyini, tarixini, mənasını və işlədilməsini izləyir.
Atalar sözləri arasındakı əlaqələr tarixə nəzər salmağı zəmin yaradır, və həmçinin yeni atalar
sözləri fasiləsiz olaraq təzələnir və ümumi ifadə tərzinə keçir və köhnə atalar sözləri müasirlərə
uyğunlaşdırılmaq üçün yenilənir. Miderin canlı və ibrətamiz misalları necə istənilən insanın istər
siyasi tribunada istərsə də arxalarda atalar sözlərinin zənn edilən kamilliyi ilə öz fikirlərini və
hərəkətlərini doğrultmaq üçün istifadə edə biləcəyini göstərir. Siyasi ritorikada atalar sözlərinin
işlədilməsini və funksiyalarını nümayiş etdirməklə bu kitab oxucuları bu qəribə deyimlərin mümkün
halları, təhlükələri və təsir gücü ilə xəbərdar edir.
Azərbaycan Dillər Universiteti
Yeni media diskurs mətn əsaslıdır, belə ki, ismarışlar kompyuter klaviaturasında yazılır və
ekranda ismarışı alan tərəfindən oxunur. Mətn əsaslı yeni media diskurs müxtəlif formalarda olur,
məsələn: elektron poçt, onlayn söhbət səhifələri, virtual oyunlar, müxtəlif internet saytları və s.
Flanaqan (1997) onlayn mətnlərin üç əsas qrupunu fərqləndirir: “istinad mətnlər”, “kommunikativ
mətnlər ” və “interaktiv mətnlər”. İstifadəçinin artıq mövcud olan materiallara baxmaq üçün istifadə