4.2 Procedure A survey with two sections was used to evaluate the validity of the students’ learning
experience in computer programming. The first section collected quantitative data on
seven questions using a five-point Likert scale. The survey questions were pertinent to
Saudi Arabia, where the study was conducted. The second section contained two quali-
tative open-ended questions that asked students to explain their performance and their
likes and dislikes of using laptops for quizzes. Open-ended questions were used to elicit
thorough responses [27], [28].
Online survey software called RedCap was used for the electronic distribution and
collection of questionnaires and students’ consent. Ethical approval was obtained be-
fore conducting the study from the University Human Ethics Committee (UHEC) of La
Trobe University (Phone: +61 3 9479 1443, E: humanethics@latrobe.edu.au Approval
number: HEC19520). The students were not at risk from this study. Before starting the
surveys, students were informed about the study being conducted. After giving their
consent, students received the survey and took about 10 to 15 minutes to complete it.
4.3 Survey instrument The survey had seven items from previous studies, and two qualitative questions.
Three of the survey’s items were from Alghtani [29], three from Sawaan [30], and one each
from Alzamil [31] and Alarfaj [32]. Table 1 lists the items and the source.
Table 1. Survey items and sources
Survey Item Source 1. M-learning in computer programming eases the process of quizzes.
Sawaan [32]
2. M-learning in computer programming encourages me to learn more.
Algahtani [31]
3. My results in M-learning in computer programming were better compared to
those I received in traditional learning.
Alarfaj [7];
Alzamil [34]
4. M-learning in computer programming met my needs.
Algahtani [31]
5. M-learning in computer programming met my expectations.
Algahtani [31]
6. M-learning in computer programming has increased my confidence.
Sawaan [32]
7. I want to take other courses using m-learning.
Sawaan [32]