Seyida Turan. “Rekabet Gücü Endeksi ve Türkiye”
Murat Karagöz. "İmalat Sanayinde Teknolojik Öğrenme"
N.Altuntuğ. "Rekabet Sürecinin Dinamik Boyutu, Bileşenleri ve Dinamizmi Sürdürebilme Yolları",
4. E.D.Bono. “Rekabetüstü (Sur/Petition)”, Remzi Kitabevi, Ankara.
N.Alpkent. “Ekonomik Rekabette İleri Teknoloji Unsuru”
M.A.Dulupçu. “Küresel Rekabet Gücü”, Nobel, Birinci Basım, Haziran,Ankara.
Baku Engineering University
26-27 October 2018, Baku, Azerbaijan
PhD Student Ugur FILIZ
Szent Istvan University
Importance of the concept of supply chain management since the new millennium has significantly incre-
ased between the researchers and practitioners. It has been a popular subject to rapidly increasing researches in
the fields of logistics, marketing and operations management from many different points of views.
Management of human resources is recognized as a critical factor in the successful implementation of
supply chain strategies for businesses. Therefore, developing a systematic approach across the supply chain to
ensure effective management of human resources is critical for businesses to manage to reach their goals and
achieve the success as it would also lead to developing and sustaining a competitive advantage in the global
This study aims to examine the relationship between strategic human resources management and supply
chain management. Human resources management is analyzed theoretically, its impact on supply chain mana-
gement is discussed by analyzing various elements of human resources management and a positive correlation is
found according to the literature review.
Keywords: Human Resources Management, Human Resources Management Practices, Supply Chain
Management, Supply Chain Management Performance, Supply Chain Management Strategy
1. Introduction
Modern business management models have significantly changed nowadays by transforming
into a different paradigm. Competition between individuals’ businesses does not take place any longer
as autonomous organizations, but rather as supply chains. In other words, instead of competition
between stores and brands, we witness intense competition conditions between supply chains.
Therefore, in a business environment of increased competition of a new era, a business can achieve
success only if it can manage to develop an integrated network of business relationships. This
necessity brings us to the concept of supply chain management which refers to the management of
various and complex relationships across the supply chain since supply chain consists of a network of
multiple businesses and relationships. In this context, SCM focuses on the management of business
and relationships among members of the supply chain to provide excellence in business [1].
In the global competitive market, firms are aware of the significance of effective management
of human resources as a fundamental factor towards success and performance of their supply chains
because it is not possible to implement supply chain strategies successfully without advanced and
skilled employees. In the literature, there are many studies written about the importance of developing
supply chain strategies and plans to improve firm performance. However, as pointed out by Arthur [2],
employees play a critical role as practitioners of supply chain initiatives. Therefore, effective
management of human resources can significantly improve the performance of firms because of their
high commitment and performance.
2. Literature Review
2.1. The Concept of Human Resources Management
Human resources management can be defined as the collection of policies, practices and
systems which have an influence on employees’ behaviours, attitudes, and performance [3]. In other
words, it is a management process which includes employing people, training and compensation of
them, developing policies and strategies to earn their commitment and influencing practices of people
in the company [4]. It is common to encounter the reference of ‘’people practices’’ in many
companies. ‘’People practices’’ consists of several important practices of HRM and an organization’s
performance simply relies on good management of these practices as the efficiency of HRM will not
only ensure satisfaction of employees and customers but also create a more innovative and productive
company environment [5,6].
Baku Engineering University
26-27 October 2018, Baku, Azerbaijan
Especially over the last twenty years, there have been many significant changes in the Human
Resources Management field which only increased the importance of HRM more in the organizations
of the new millennium. In the past, whereas HRM was recognized as processing payrolls or filling
enrollments forms of employees, now HRM has means of great importance as playing a critical role in
the business strategy of the organization on its road to achievement [4].
2.2. The Concept of Supply Chain Management
Increasing competition in the global markets between organizations in the 1990s led to the
implementation of policies which focus on delivering products and services to the right place at the
right time at the lowest cost possible. However, organizations realized that these policies were not
enough to provide the desired efficiency within an organization. Therefore, the thought of turning the
whole supply chain into a competitive character and structure started to be considered [7]. In this
context, while manufacturers and service providers tried to upgrade gain and maintain their
competitiveness and adapt to uncontrolled changed in the external environment by upgrading their
tradition supply and materials management functions and integrating them into business strategy,
wholesalers and retailers also aimed to gain and maintain competitive advantage by integrating their
logistics functions with other functional areas of the business. Eventually, the concept of supply chain
management rose as a result of the development and integration of two traditional supporting functions
of corporate strategy into materials and logistics management [8].
The term of supply chain management is first introduced in 1982 by Keith Oliver who was a
management consultant. The purpose of using the term was developing a vision regarding the disas-
sembling process of functional silos and replacing them since they were causing production, marketing
and distribution to be separated from each other. Wal-Mart carried the concept of supply chain mana-
gement to the next level by building worldwide communication and relationship networks which will
connect them to suppliers to provide more effective and reliable materials flow with lower inventories.
This innovation of Wal-Mart led to the recognition of the company as the pioneering practitioner of
supply chain management since they managed to build a network of worldwide suppliers, warehouses
and retail stores which operate as a single unit based on real-time information [9].
It is possible to come across many different definitions of Supply Chain Management in the
literature. However, between all these definitions, there is a common agreement on the description of
‘‘all value adding activities from the extraction of raw materials through the transformation processes
and through delivery to the end user’’ [10]. The definition developed by a group of firms and
academic researchers of the Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF) can be given as an example as one of
the clearest definitions of SCM. According to GSCF, SCM can be defined as ‘‘the integration of key
business processes from end user through original suppliers that provides products, services, and
information that add value for customers and other stakeholders’’ [1].
3. Research Methodology
This study aims to conduct a literature review on the relationship between Human Resources
Management and Supply Chain Management by examining characteristics, variables, approaches and
concepts in the literature. As of theoretical character of the study, the paper is based on the systematic
review of the literature on theories of Human Resources Management. Secondary data like journals,
papers, websites and various magazines are the main sources used in the study to bring an explanation
to the correlation between HRM and SCM in the context of several variables.
4. Relationship Between Resources Management and Supply Chain Management
Such as human resource constitutes a fundamental element of every organization, supply chain
management also plays an important role in the performance organizations. Therefore, a new
integrated model of human resource and supply chain management (HRSCM) is created to provide
support in the value chain system creation process for an organization. This new integrated model
consists of many actors and elements and integrates them under a single united model which can be
separated into different parts depending on the flexibility of the organization. These elements and
actors can be counted as suppliers, employees, information systems, finance, manufacturing and
operations, sales and marketing, research and development [11].
Baku Engineering University
26-27 October 2018, Baku, Azerbaijan
The relation between SCM and managerial support, employee support and employee training
are pointed out by Gowen and Tallon [12] who noted that these practices may influence the
achievement of the SCM practices positively. Their research revealed that competitive advantage
gained by SCM is based on four dimensions which are added value, uniqueness, imitation cost barrier
and organization structure. And, it is HRM factors such as employee support and employee training
which actualize these four dimensions. For instance, trained and motivated employees selected by
HRM are the main factors who provide added value to supply chain because of their effective
performances. Therefore, it can be argued that allocating more resources for employee support and
managerial support could be an effective strategy to enhance competitive advantage [13].
As a matter of fact, despite the development of SCM strategies and plans are crucial, all these
strategies and plans are implemented by the employees eventually. Also, the presence of individual
differences between performances of employees should be recognized and strategic importance of
people towards a firm’s success should be accepted. Therefore, effective management of human
resources and receiving of high performance from employees are a necessity for successful
implementation of SCM strategies [14]. However, receiving high performance from employees
depends on their specific abilities and competencies which would also ensure the success of a supply
chain management system. Developing such abilities and competencies can only be maintained by
having employees who have a wide range of skills, high adaptation ability and innovative character
[15]. Gowen & Tallon [12] draws attention to given importance by companies on training and
retraining programs of employees to develop their human resources.
However, it is important to note that there is a knowledge gap in the literature as the number of
researches focusing on the relationship between human resources practices and supply chain
management are very limited [16].
5. Results and Conclusion
Supply chain management is recognized as an important strategy which can be implemented by
companies to make a profit by gaining and sustaining competitive advantage. Purpose of SCM is to
create value for the customer by delivering products and services by developing strategic partnerships,
minimizing costs and maximizing profits. In order to accomplish this goal, firms try to ensure the most
effective use of their both external sources gained through various channels of members and internal
sources the firm already has. Human resources constitute the most important source and the ability of
all organizations. As a result of having awareness of this significance, firms start to put more emphasis
on human resources management strategies to adopt a more balanced business strategy by integrating
SCM and HRM strategies. Therefore, developing HRM strategies which support SCM strategies
would provide a considerable contribution to the firm’s success.
As can be seen in the literature review, there are not many types of research in the context of the
relationship between SCM and HRM. Despite that, existing studies revealed a positive correlation
between SCM and HRM relationships. It is noted that HRM practices can be turned into an effective
instrument in the enhancement of employees’ performance which would enable successful
implementation of the SCM strategies. Due to the fact that no matter how well developed business
strategies and plans a firm can have, employees still remain to be practitioners of these plans and
strategies eventually. Therefore, possession of employees with a wide range of abilities and
competencies is highly important. This could be succeeded only if a firm would benefit from effective
HRM practices such as selective recruitment, training and compensation. These practices would not
only help employees to improve themselves but also develop high trust relationships, teamwork and
commitment. Studies also revealed that implementation of HRM practices could lead to developing
and sustaining a competitive advantage in the rapidly increasing competitiveness of the global market
which can play a crucial role in a supply chain’s success in terms of meetings its goals and objectives.
Finally, we can conclude that in accordance with increasing awareness among the firms
regarding the importance of HRM and SCM relationship, we can expect more empirical researches in
the literature regarding this topic. A stronger theoretical background and empirical findings would
ensure more effective and successful implementation of HRM strategies and practices in the supply
chain of firms.
Baku Engineering University
26-27 October 2018, Baku, Azerbaijan
[1] Lambert and Cooper, 2000; Douglas M. Lambert, Martha C. Cooper. Issues in Supply Chain Management. Industrial
Marketing Management 29, 65–83 (2000).
[2] Arthur, J. B. (1994). Effects of human resource systems on manufacturing performance and turnover. Academy of
Management Journal, 37(3), 670–687.
[3] Hollenbeck, N. and Wright, G. (2011). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2.
[4] Frasch, K. B., Shadovitz, D. and Shelly, J. (2009). There’s No Whining in HR, Human Resource Executive Online, June.
[5] Hitt, M.A., Keats, B.W. and DeMarie, S.M. (1998). Navigating in the New Competitive Landscape: Building Strategic
Flexibility and Competitive Advantage in the 21
Century, Academy of Management Executive 12, No.4, 22-42.
[6] Delaney, J. T., & Huselid, M. A. (1996). The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Perceptions of
Organizational Performance. Academy of Management Journal, 39, 949-969.
[7] Li et.al., 2006; S. Li, B.R. Nathan, T.S.R. Nathan and S.S. Rao, The impact of supply chain management practices on
competitive advantage and organizational performance, OMEGA 34(107) (2006), 18–21.
[8] Tan, K.C. (2002). Supply Chain Management: Practices, Concerns, and Performance Issues. The Journal of Supply
Chain Management, Winter.
[9] Russell, S.K. (2007). Supply Chain Management More Than Integrated Logistic. US Air Force Journal of Logistic,
Volume 31, Number 2.
[10] Wisner & Tan, K.C. (2002). Supply Chain Management and Its Impact on Purchasing. The Journal of Supply Chain
Management, Winter.
[11] Kureshi, N. I. Mann, R. Khan. M. R. & Qureshi, M. F. (2009). Quality Management Practices of SME in Developing
Countries: A Survey of Manufacturing SME in Pakistan. Journal of Quality and Technology Management, 5(2), 63-89.
[12] Gowen, C. R. & Tallon, W. J. (2003). Enhancing Supply Chain Practices through Human Resource Management.
Journal of Management Development, 22(1), 32-44.
[13] Goldstein, I. L & Ford, J. K. (2002). Training in Organizations. CA: Wadsworth Belmar.
[14] Wright, P. M., Snell, S. A., & Dunford, B. (2001). Human resources and the resource-based view of the firm. Journal of
Management, 27, 701–721.
[15] Othman, R. & Gani, R.A. (2008). Supply Chain Management and Suppliers’ HRM Practice. An article in Supply Chain
Management. June. Roethlishberg, F.J. & Dickson, W.J. (1939). Management and The Worker, Cambridge: Harvard
University Press.
[16] Shub, A. N. & Stonebraker, P. W. (2009). The Human Impact on Supply Chains: Evaluating the Importance of "Soft"
Areas on Integration and Performance. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 14(1), 31-40.
Baku Engineering University
26-27 October 2018, Baku, Azerbaijan
Baku Engineering University
26-27 October 2018, Baku, Azerbaijan
Finance and Accounting
Baku Engineering University
26-27 October 2018, Baku, Azerbaijan
Dos. Ph.D Firudin Oktay oğlu Sultanov
Bakı Mühəndislik Universiteti
Dos. Ph.D Ağamir Mirəsgər oğlu Əsgərov,
Bakı Mühəndislik Universiteti
Hədəf göstəriciyə əsaslanan maya dəyəri metodu idarəetmə aləti olaraq gözlənilən yekun mənfəəti əldə et-
mək üçün məhsulun həyat dövriyyəsinin bütün mərhələlərində məsrəfə nəzarəti gücləndirməklə mənfəətliliyi artırır.
Hədəf göstəriciyə əsaslanan maya dəyəri sadəcə maya dəyərini aşağı salan bir metod və ya nəzarət mexanizmi
deyil, eyni zamanda dəyər analizi və dəyər mühəndisliyini özündə cəmləşdirən geniş stratejik mənfəət idarəetmə
sistemidir. Hədəf göstəriciyə əsaslanan maya dəyərinin dəyərinin faydaları ilə birlikdə çatışmamazlıqları da möv-
cuddur. Nəticə olaraq maya dəyərinin idarə olunması proqramı alıcı və satıcının kordinasiyasıdır.
Açar sözlər: Tarqet kostinq, Təhcizat zənciri, Maya dəyəri
Target costing increases profitability by boosting cost control at all stages of the product's life cycle to achieve
the expected final benefit as a management tool. Target costing is not merely a method or control mechanism that
lowers the cost, but also a large strategic profit management system that incorporates value analysis and value
engineering. There are also shortcomings along with the benefits of the target costing. As a result, the cost value
management program is the buyer and seller's coordination.
Key words: Target costing, Supply chain, Cost
Hədəf göstəriciyə əsaslanan maya dəyərinin vacib xüsusiyyətlərindən biri olan məhsulun maya
dəyərinin kalkulyasiyası nəzəriyyəsi ilk dəfə XX-ci əsrin əvvəlində ABŞ-dakı Ford istehsal edən
avtomobil müəssisəndə və Almaniyada Wolsvagen Beatlenin tərəfindən irəli sürülmüşdür. Hədəf
göstəriciyə əsaslanan maya dəyərinin hazırki metodun inkişaf tarixi isə 1963-cü ildə Toyota firmasın-
da “genka kikaku” (Başlanğıc qiymət planı) adı ilə ortaya atılmış bu metod Yapon ədəbiyyatında 1978-ci
ilə qədər belə adlandırılmışdır [1]. Yaponyada montaj istehsalçılarının 80%-i, maşın istehsalçılarının
isə 100 %-i hədəf göstəriciyə əsaslanan maya dəyəri metodunu istifadə etməkdədirlər [2].
Hədəf göstəriciyə əsaslanan maya dəyəri məhsulun layihələndirilməsi sırasında aktiv maya dəyəri
idarəetmə üsuludur. Məhsulun daxili və xarici hissələri olan komponentlər üçün hədəf göstəriciyə
əsaslanan maya dəyərinin tətbiq edilməsi mərhələsində müəssisələr arası maya dəyəri metodu tətbiq
Əsasən Hədəf göstəriciyə əsaslanan maya dəyəri metodu məsrəflərin azaldılmasında vacib rol
oynayır. Müəssisələr məhsulların aşağı qiymətə satışını təmin etmək üçün aşağı istehsal məsrəfləri
əldə etmək məqsədilə, eləcə də, bazardakı mövqeyi, məhsul satışı üzrə liderliyi və hətta bazara
nüfuzetmə dərəcəsini qoruyub saxlamaq məqsədilə hədəf göstəriciyə əsaslana maya dəyəri
metodundan istifadə edirlər.
Maya dəyərinin idarə olunması proqramı alıcı və satıcının kordinasiyasıdır. Bu koordinasiya
hədəf göstəriciyə əsaslanan maya dəyərinin metodu effektivlik baxımından müəssisələr arası maya
dəyərinin idarəolunması qədər kritikdir [3].
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